If you haven't already, get an idea of your credit score. It will make it much easier to avoid letting the guy who sells financing screw you.
The Honda Fit is supposed to be a pretty good car. I have a Scion xA and I love it. Honda Fit was one of my alternates.
A (roughly) $15,000.00 loan will typically run you about $350/month for 5 years. That's assuming 6.99% and zero down.
For what it's worth, the Scion line from Toyota are fixed price cars--no wheeling and dealing. Very low mark-up, all the money is on the back-end on units sold. Honda is a wheel and deal car. But the dealers are hurting. A lot. So don't let anyone push you around.
I've been very happy with the internet/fleet guy at Chapman -- and he's giving me the factory price and no hassle. I didn't even consider doing the regular showroom thing, and I would have turned around and walked out if he'd hussled me -- partly because I knew you had gotten what you wanted from Mesa, so there are options.
Thank you so much for your comment -- it helped my confidence level a lot when bearding the dealer in his den, knowing that you were rooting for me, as it were :-).
Also that the Fit had been on your shortlist. I did check out the Scion, but xAs do not show up on the website, and xDs are not quite what I want.
The Honda Fit is supposed to be a pretty good car. I have a Scion xA and I love it. Honda Fit was one of my alternates.
A (roughly) $15,000.00 loan will typically run you about $350/month for 5 years. That's assuming 6.99% and zero down.
For what it's worth, the Scion line from Toyota are fixed price cars--no wheeling and dealing. Very low mark-up, all the money is on the back-end on units sold. Honda is a wheel and deal car. But the dealers are hurting. A lot. So don't let anyone push you around.
Good luck!
Thank you!
Also that the Fit had been on your shortlist. I did check out the Scion, but xAs do not show up on the website, and xDs are not quite what I want.
So, did you get the car?
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