May 15, 2008 22:40
The Duty of Bardship
The duty of a bard it is to praise and magnify
The deeds and honors of thy lord, his prowess glorify
To move both heart and mind to joy, all pettiness deny
Find beauty where it hidden sings, and singing make reply.
The duty of a bard it is to cause thy lord to smile
For laughter is the sovereign draught that heals the wounds of guile
No pomp or foolish pride exempt from out thy wit or style
The better cheer to foster all along the weary mile.
The duty of a bard it is hard truth for to relate
In words that ring through centuries and run in measured spate
So speak of solemn striving and the bitter grief of hate
Stern art requires tongue and breath that anger may abate.
The duty of a bard it is to teach and chide and sing
That all who hear thy works may then an understanding bring
Of chivalry, grace, courage kind, bright honor whence to cling
Throughout their sojourn in this Land, to shape time's reconning.
The duty of a bard it is to stand beside thy lord
Bring honor to his lady, respect likewise outpoured.
Thy tongue and wit are weapons even as a naked sword
And to their use responsible art thee by thine own word.
Wander Riordan, OGB 8 October 1993
This piece was written for the Bard of the Mists competition that I ran for the choosing of my successor as Bard.
This piece reflects a little of what I think the Job of being Bard of the Mists entails, but also what the responsibilities and duties of anyone who uses and crafts words with will and intent.