Personal Fannish History

Feb 25, 2008 21:00

This is the oldest piece of fannish writing I have.

I wrote it in high school.

It is poetry. Sort of. That is, it is supposed to be poetry, but it has many several problems with scansion and meter and the like, though I think the main problem I have with it (and have always had -- even when I wrote it) is that it fails to convey what I was trying to make it convey.

Title: To the Captain
Fandom: Star Trek (the Original Series)
Characters|Rating: First Romulan Commander/Kirk - G
Category: Angst, poetry
Notes: Balance of Terror is a tie with Journey to Babel for my favorite Trek episode ever.

Commanders of our different worlds
You and I have much in common
Separate lives and separate loves
Yet we are much the same

I could have called you friend
And that means much
Here and now, and there and then
But you will live and travel on
While I die here alone

And in my silent shroud of death
I will at last have Peace
For war tears such as we apart
Where peace would have us brothers.

JGT 12-1977

This is, looking at it now, pretty apparently proto-slash. The idea I was trying to express would not let me alone, and eventually turned into the first story I ever wrote, that actually won a fan-club zine writing prize. The prize was to be published in the zine, with an illo. I still have that zine, and when I find it, I will transcribe it in, if only for the personal history of it. I need to find the original final draft as well, because along with it being my first story finished & given to other eyes to read, it was my first experience with Editors. A comparison of the two drafts is a tale of it's own.

poetry, st-tos, writing

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