"Flat panel minotaur" and "Know way" courtesy of
matociquala New Words:
"Argan" -- an evergreen found in Morocco, also courtesy of
matociqualaand because dictionaries are crack, and one can never look up just one (plus, needed to look in two dictionaries to find that one -- the OED Concise and the OED Compact:
"Annicut" -- a type of irrigation dam found in India
"Argentan" -- German-silver or nickle-silver; an alloy of nickle, zinc and copper
Poem of the day:
"Jo! Write me a poem about a back hoe loader!" found at
papersky Current favorite emoticon: *\o/*
'cause just last night I finally figured out that it is a cheerleader with PomPoms! All with the glee and giggle.
Cross-cultural Yay:
Multiple turbans aka many hats by way of