Jan 23, 2010 22:27
I'm having such a bitch of a life atm so excuse the lack of my presence on its majesty, LJ. Not that you were troubled by it or anything.
So basically college life sucks. Specially when you're trying to study mathematics. Emphasis on trying. I don't know what the fuck was i thinking. UGH. Haven't been this sad in forever because i have no clue where i'm going with... anything really. JFC, adulthood.
pathetic entry is pathetic
To make it less pathetic, there is handball & skiing. ♥ Why are there no active lj comms for sports other than tennis or football? It's irksome and i would go create one if i had the will and/or knowledge that i wouldn't be the only member there. Talking to yourself is not that fun. ha. ha.
& YAY Liverpool! Last match was what we needed. Thank you Dirky, thank you team. ILU all. ♥
I knew croatian Spurs boys wouldn't dare score. ahha. NOW LETS BE FOURTH PLEASE. (': for the sake of my sanity.