D.Gray-Man Fanfiction Recommendations

May 03, 2009 17:50

(Last updated 05/18/09)

For once in my fandom: quality-material-is-in-existence galore *U*. Thank you so much for writing you wonderful and talented authors *bows down*.
*I ship OT3 so hard♥. Nonetheless, you will find every type of pairing/gen fic here :)
I just started with DGM fandom though, so give me some time to get through all the fics out there.

A Fiction of Flimsy Romance (And True Love) by fallia
Rating: NC-17
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Kanda/Allen, mentions of Cross/Lenalee. Notes: With apologies to The Princess Bride and Lord Byron, a love story.

" Komui's eyes went terrifyingly glinty for a moment. "Yes, well. It's possible that Kanda can be revived by a kiss. From his true love. So if any of you are aware of who that might be-" his eyes settled on Lenalee- "we'll summon her immediately." "

A Minor Form of Despair by allira_dream
Rating: R
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Written for springkink. Link/Allen: control - he should've been the one with all the power, but he found himself helplessly drawn.

"Link takes a deep breath before he lays down again, deciding to ignore the sounds Walker makes, closing his eyes and turning to the side."

And Desire Said by fallia
Rating: PG-13
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Kanda/Allen. Um. I honestly couldn't tell you what corner of my brain this idea or even the story itself for that matter came from. Heavy religious symbolism, so if you don't like that sort of thing... well, I'm surprised you're reading D.Gray-man. Set post-Ark.

"It begins with sporadic incidence, but eventually she must tug on gloves every morning. Dark colors that hide the sudden bloom of crimson in her palms, greens and blues and black on Sundays: the wardrobe her brother lovingly put together for her, laid out in a rich rainbow all over her room when she came back."

Back in the Black by fallia and sutlers
Rating: NC-17
Status: Oneshot
Summary: The one where Kanda is a 30 year old accountant and Allen is an impossibly queer, trendy barista. And sex ensues. Notes: This is an AU. A shameful, painfully twee AU born out of an AIM conversation that was pretty much a pile of epic fail. We love it anyway.

" He returns with it a moment later and finds Allen propped up against the arm of the sofa, waiting. "I was thinking," Allen says with a quirk to his mouth, "should I still call you Mr. Kanda?" "

Building An Emerald City With Grains of Sand by fallia
Rating: R
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Prompt: "Allen/Lavi/Kanda; no one is quite sure exactly who will be going where, and it all degenerates into an argument of positions. Nothing is actually accomplished."

"Lavi wakes up in stages on a Thursday morning to find that Allen's head is the weight on his chest and Allen's arm is the thing that's twitching somewhere on his thigh just above his knee. His own arm is tingling because Kanda has managed to roll onto it somewhere during the night. He brings his free hand up to brush the hair out of Allen's face so he isn't inhaling it with every breath."

♥Autumn in the Mountains Part 1, Part 1 by aliquoricegirl
Rating: PG-13
Status: WIP :(
Summary: Everyone does a cabin fic and I decided I wanted to do one too. Except that my cabin is made of dirt and rock. So it's actually a cave. Yay for cavefic! This one is going to be long. I'm thinking three to five installments and there will be spoilers up to recent issues so do your readings before you come to class! There will be kink (I'll warn you when it arrives), angst and I promise you that even though things are not looking good for our hero, Lavi will be just fine in the end.

" "What are you doing?" Allen asks and when he stops talking his teeth chatter.

"Were you always this stupid or did you knock your head that hard?" Kanda asks because there is something about Allen kneeling here in the firelight and shivering and staring at Kanda, something that makes Kanda want to lower his head and bruise Allen's mouth with his own. "Idiot," he says, "I'm going to keep you from freezing to death." "

D.Gray-man Kink Meme Fic Recs from dgmkinkmeme

Dissonance by seppuku-shiro
Rating: R
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Rabi/Kanda. Prompt: ‘Honey, I’m Home’

" "Can we uh...," and Rabi pauses because it feels stupid to ask -mostly because he usually doesn’t. The answer would have always been no anyway, and Rabi wouldn’t have listened because he’s greedy and unrepentant like a child and because Kanda is ...Kanda. "

Dream to Forget by metisket
Rating: Safe
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Gen. So I wrote this with rage in my heart against Hoshino, and I've never so sincerely hoped that I'm COMPLETELY WRONG. This is set immediately after 167, which chapter made me cry in the workplace. This is basically more of the same. You have been warned.

"Your master knows too, of course, but then your master has always known, and you know what he expects of you. He expects you to suck it up, move forward, and do what has to be done. You understand each other, disturbing though the thought may be."

Eternal Jewel City by sutlers
Rating: R-ish
Status: Oneshot
Summary: They are sent to Bangkok, and Kanda doesn't like it.
Notes: For ”boopkit” again, because the last one wasn't really porn. This one isn't either, but at least they um, touch each other? is my DGM love-monkey. BARBIES, BABY.

"They are sent to Bangkok, and Kanda doesn't like it. He doesn't like the smell, ripe with too many people and rotten fish from the rivers. He doesn't like the colors, too gaudy, bright in his face and bright inside his eyes. He doesn't like the dust, kneeling in it and spitting up a mouthful of blood, a vivid splash of red on the pale road that Allen Walker is lying on. Allen Walker, who is white with heat and nausea and pain."

Five Times Lavi Walked in on Allen and Kanda having sex (with growing exasperation) by atanih88
Rating: R
Status: Drabble
Summary: Kanda/Allan. Lavi.

" Lavi sighed and closed his eyes. "Bad things. My eyes are scarred for life. I will never be the same again." "

Good Behaviour by metisket
Rating: Safe
Status: Drabble/Oneshot?
Summary: DGM 182. Allen/Kanda. Allen POV.

" "The hell happened today?" he asks. Always right to the point, Kanda. That’s good. Maybe it’s because of all the acting happy over the last couple weeks, but I’ve about lost patience with dancing around the subject myself.

"What happened?" And since being evasive with Kanda is a waste of subtlety... "I forgot I was a Noah." The shellshocked face is so satisfying. "Whoops." "

His Borrowed Toys by kay_willow
Rating: T
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Warnings: Spoilers about the 14th. Theories about the 14th. Theories about the Heart. Theories about Lavi and Allen. Total name confusion. Sexual harassment and self-destructive behavior. Cough. Contains Lavi/Allen (onesided?) and 14th/Lavi.

"It was too hard to fight someone who looked, smiled, like Allen. But Lavi would rather have the fighting than... this."

His Broken Renmants by kay-willow
Rating: T
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Holiday fic: apapazukamori, prompt 14th/Lavi, gift. Walker returns to the house of his birth, his youth. He remembers his own life, and he remembers the life of the boy called Allen Walker in his honor, and something begins to change. Warnings: Spoilers about the 14th. Theories about the 14th. Theories about Lavi and Allen. CRAZY theories, for reals you guys.
Contains vague hints of Lavi/14th & Lavi/Allen. Kinda follows His Borrowed Toys.

"The safe house had belonged to the Walker family, once -- a long, long time ago, when that family had been wealthy. Nowadays it was empty, the corridors dark, the furniture that remained layered with dust. The family prosperity had ended quite thoroughly with Allen Walker."

Hugs Make Everything Better by fallia
Rating: PG
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Pairing: Um. There's Kanda/Allen touching and Lavi/Allen touching, but it's sadly innocent. Notes: Oh, dear, please, guys, don't let me write any more stories like these. They're so silly. I guess this is another one of those pre-OT3-esque fics I can't seem to stop writing. I wrote it after Chapter 136 and if you read it you know exactly why. I'm not even cross-posting this.

" "Wait," Lavi interrupts. He can't help it. "Yuu's giving out hugs now?" he asks. "Where do I get in line for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?" "

Irrationally Competitive by fallia
Rating: PG-13
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Allen/Kanda with hints of Lavi/Allen and even some Lavi/Kanda if you squint. Pre-OT3, if you like. Notes: This fic came about for three reasons: metaphors keep kicking my ass in other stories, I fell in love with Lavi, and there isn't enough of these three just acting like the perpetually exhausted and overly burdened teenagers they are. I hope I managed to keep them all in character. Also, thanks to sutlers for unwittingly providing the title and telling me this wasn't too silly to post. She is my DGM hero.

"That, Lavi decides, would be a terrible idea at the moment, because he likes Allen very much and he would be sorry if Allen were dead."

Lay Down the Veil by sutlers
Rating: R
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Kanda/Allen. Four days before the day they all didn't die, Kanda picked a fight. Notes: I am not writing in this fandom. You never saw this fic. Um. I've only read about halfway through volume nine, so please excuse any canon inconsistencies or omissions.

"Kanda flipped his cards over and Allen studied them for a second before turning over his own. Kanda didn't need to look; he already knew he'd lost, had known, but fuck Walker and his smug fucking face, his stupid white hair and his clear grey eyes."

Mask and Mirror by metisket
Rating: G
Status: Drabble
Summary: Lavi POV.

"6:22, and I'm awake. I generally wake up between 6:15 and 6:30, which is just in time to catch Yuu training. Yuu invariably finishes training at 7:00, so that he can get to the dining hall before Allen does. Allen invariably shows up for breakfast at 7:17, always shower-fresh, presumably because he's also been training. He and Yuu are more alike than they know. Reliable as Immanuel Kant."

Mission Debriefing by kay_willow
Rating: PG
Status: Drabble
Summary: Warnings: Contains Lavi/Allen, long rambling stories, and sick golems. :(. Written for apapazukamori because she was having a cloudy day. ♥ Her prompts were "and then Tim ate it" and "in the wilderness".

" "We've been wandering for hours, right, and Allen, of course, is starving. We finally decide to go into the jungle and try to find some recognizable food, like -- bananas or something. And instead we come across this field of -bright red mushrooms-." "

Moving Forward by metisket
Rating: Safe
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Timcampi POV. OT4.

"Basically it fell out like this: Cross died.

I guess other people might not think that was the most important thing that happened, what with lots of other people dying and the destruction of the Noah and the way my Allen up and killed the Earl and big explosions or whatever, but for me? Cross died."

Practice Makes Broken by kay-willow
Rating: PG
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Lavi/Allen. Warnings: Bookman philosophy, explored as it slowly begins to fail a Bookman apprentice. Faux deaths, and the writing and/or angst thereof. Kay ♥ ♥-less people and the people they ♥.

"He used to practice. Late at night after the day was over, he'd get out his journal and practice writing out the end of the people around him."

Prayer of Patience by sutlers
Rating: R
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Kanda/Allen. Notes: The title is Milton's. The Bible passages Kanda quotes are John's. Jesus Christ, this has been sitting on my computer since July. fallia helped it not suck.

" "I'm blind," says Kanda in a very even voice. "

Sand Castle by metisket
Rating: Safe
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Cross fic.

"He hadn’t understood. That was why he’d ended up in a godforsaken graveyard, standing over a tiny boy who couldn’t get God to forsake him if he tried. Cross was not best pleased with the situation."

Some Confusion by metisket
Rating: Safe
Status: Drabble/Oneshot
Summary: Gen. With tourists in Paris and debates about just how serious Lavi was when he claimed that he attacked anyone who approached him when he was wearing his exorcist coat.

" "Would you mind awfully telling us the way to the Eiffel Tower?" I ploughed on, ignoring Tom. "Only if you know it, of course. We don’t mean to be a bother at all."

A moment of silence, then the eyepatch boy said, "I dunno, Yuu. That’s a new one on me. Directions. I think they’re probably human." "

Sons of Heresy and Error by Sutlers
Rating: R
Status: Oneshot
Summary: There are accusations of heresy, more or less true, and Allen goes insane in the Carpathians. Kanda does not, mostly. Kanda/Allen.

"Death is their business and because of this they are more familiar with it than most, Allen perhaps more than anyone. He can feel the truth of Kanda's conjecture in the wooden bones of the house, the dusty softness of the abandoned handkerchief he still has wrapped around his fingers."

The Weakening Eye Of Day by fallia
Rating: R/NC-17
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Kanda/Allen.

"There is nothing; nothing except the unsatisfying sound of snow under their boots, the rough rush of wind in their ears, and Allen’s whimpers when he stumbles to his knees. Kanda ignores him and moves forward, keeping his eyes on the horizon."

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things by fallia
Rating: PG
Status: Oneshot
Summary: None, but there's Allen. And Kanda. Feel free to read between the lines. Chapter 135 is entirely to blame for this. Although there are no spoilers for the plot, I promise. Only for a tiny visual detail.

"He frowns more, because now he is starting to feel shaky and unsettled and completely inadequate in that way that only Kanda is able to make him feel. "It was the ugly duckling, not you," he mutters."

Untitled by aliquoricegirl
Rating: Safe
Status: Drabble
Summary: Yay! Here you go! Have some sappy Lavi and Kanda cheese! WARNINGS: Nightmares, fluff and snuggling.

" "I-You," he can feel himself blushing and hates it as much as he hates the tears that stain his face. He gropes beside him for Mugen because cold steel is the antidote to shame. "If you say a single fucking thing-" "

Untitled- Cross/Kanda Hurt/Comfort by aliquoricegirl
Rating: PG-13ish
Status: Oneshot
Summary: So, the Cross\Kanda hurt\comfort pg 13 (ish) fic is finished. For now. It's humongous. It's epic. It's all symbolic and stuff. Here it is in all its long-windedness.

"I'm going to fall Kanda thinks, no one must see. He finds a quiet place, under the snow-laden trees and sinks down."

Untitled- Line up your soliders and she’ll shoot them all down by sutlers
Rating: Safe
Status: Drabble
Summary: OT3. And then there was Oktoberfest, beer, and a weird sort of pissing match. For beanclam.

"That isn't how the dance is supposed to go, Allen whispers with all the gravity of the mostly inebriated..."

Warm Stranger by empath_eia
Rating: T
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Pairing: Kanda/Allen. Love had nothing to do with it. Introspection, angst. Note: This fic has a bit of an odd place in my mind. The whole time I was writing it, I thought of it as The Kanda x Allen Thesis Paper, and even now that it's done I still do. To be sure, no thesis was ever so incoherent or poetic, but nevertheless, I think I was trying to explain my reasons for supporting this pairing in fic format. I hope I succeeded, even just a little. ^____^ In any case, I really like how it turned out. I hope you enjoy it. ♥

"Ultimately, it all came back to the unspoken promise he'd made."

Welcome Home by metisket
Rating: Safe
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Random Reever fic. I've often wished there was time for more Science Department in D.Gray-Man. Every glimpse you get of them is pure awesome. Even the zombie chapters. :)

"She was holding a coffee tray, and though Reever had never thought of a coffee tray as a weapon before, he was thinking it now."

Wilt by seppuku_shiro
Rating: NC-17
Status: Oneshot
Summary: Rabi/Kanda. Rabi runs into Kanda after he returns from a long mission. May not make sense if you don't know about Kanda's background. Warnings: Spoilers for Kanda's background in the novel of D. Gray-man. Yaoi. Smut. Sex. A bit of angst. Potty language. Poorly beta-ed by me, but I have an education of sorts -_-;;

"When he pushed open the door of his room, he had every intention of collapsing into bed and falling asleep. However, his ideas were curtailed by the presence of Kanda sitting on his bed, looking irritated as usual. His hair was loose from its usual pony tail, hanging over his shoulders and covering a bit of the bandages tightly wound around his chest. He only had on a pair of loose pants, which were a bit too long and dragged along the floor."


think that's all for now :)

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ot3, i want to write but can't :(, fic, fic rec, dgm

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