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Aug 26, 2008 21:00

My class today, Intro to Film Aesthetics, is a freshman film class that I was actually signed up for freshman year and then I dropped it to take this BS class called Art of Story that we were told we had to take, when really we didn't. Since then, it hasn't ever fit in my schedule or my registration date has been too late, so here I am as a junior taking a freshman course. And I am pretty sure I am going to want to kill myself. It's basically going to cover everything I've learned the past two years, or knew before even coming to college, and it's aimed toward incoming freshmen or people who aren't even in the film school who are taking this class as a fine arts GE. In a class of 90 people, I think me and one other person even knew who John Cassavetes was when the prof asked. From the looks of the syllabus, we're going to be watching some good movies, and the professor seems pretty chill, but we watched Mean Streets today and people made comments like "Scorcese used handheld cameras and jump cuts to give the film a rough feel" and the prof is like "yes, that's very good". OOOH YEAH GREAT INSIGHT KIDS. And he has to explain mise-en-scene and oh my gosh I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get a whole lot out of this class except watching some good movies and then writing papers. Awesome. I sounded like an elitist snob in that paragraph but it's just because I've been through two years of this information already. It feels wrong that I'm taking "Intro to Film Aesthetics" and "Advanced Topics in Film Studies" in the same semester.

I also worked 7 1/2 hours today. But I'm just that much closer to the three-day weekend now.
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