Fic Fests! Food and Violence and everything in between!

Apr 19, 2011 22:27

night_reveals  has proposed two very amazing theme weeks over at her journal.

First up, this week is Ribaldry and Rage!

Violence and bloody, bruised,  boys. And much sexy pain!

And after that is Fat Cock Vivant, or as I would like to think of as Confectionery & Cocks!

In which food is sexy and the boys will consume/be covered in it!

I'm delaying yet again some WIPS because this sounds too fun. I don't know how I justify delaying the story where ARTHUR IS BEAT TO DEATH WITH A BRICK for other opportunities in violence except for the fact that I think I can write pwp or at least very immediate sexy times instead of leading with chapters and chapters of angst.

Though I promise to have the next chapter of Shattered up briefly, probably within the next few days.

food, fic, community, fic fest, violence

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