Betas Needed

Apr 06, 2011 22:54

Would anybody like to be my beta for a Eames/Robert drama fic? It is for my help_japan auction.

As always it's will be very angsty and probably deal with suicidal themes, but I don't think it's going to be to harsh. I'm going for a happy ending in my mind right now. And really the goal is some general Eames being a good guy-ness for the story.

I also have a pre-movie !canon based Cobb story in the works. I fell so hard in love with an idea that I am, in fact, going to write a Cobb story. It's not going to be sexy because I don't even really like Leo. The only way it's going to be sexy is if I write in some sex history with Mal. So it would be straight up het and probably really about her being beautiful and airy and graceful, and smooth skinned and stuff. It's going to be nothing but angst and fluff. But the idea that I have is so tragic that I have to do it. I have to.

And I have another story in which I'm going to kill Arthur. Though that one is on the back burner until I at least finish TCOT, SBYF, & EHCNHC. If you don't understand the abbreviation just look at my master list.

Really, this post is about looking for Betas. I need Betas.

help japan, beta

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