Love is a forgery, if you let it.

Oct 16, 2012 17:21

This was originally written as a pinch hit for Inception Reverse Bang
Fic Title: Love is a forgery, if you let it.
Pairing(s): Arthur/Eames
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,894
Warnings: mentions of canon character death

Summary: After Inception, Arthur joins Eames for a job topside. He and Eames deal with their relationship and the idea of coming so close to losing themselves in limbo while they plan to steal back one of Eames’ old forged paintings.
Notes: Thanks to torra_k and adelaide_rain for brainstorming help. Thank you to imprintofadream and adelaide-rain for beta-ing! You both rock!
I am misappropriating factual recent art thefts to suit my needs, thus making Arthur and Eames badasses. With that I am also painting the Swiss in negative light due to my limited research (I’m not an art historian) into the storage, appropriation, and sale of Nazi war plunder. I acknowledge that it could be read as offensive but I do not personally think Swiss people are corrupt or Nazi supporters, only that their government and banking system has been a bit shady about their dealings with Nazi seized art and gold.
Here are the suits that Arthur and Eames wear throughout the fic:
Eames’ Airport Suit
Arthur’s gallery suit
Eames’ gallery suit
Eames' & Arthur’s Heist suits. Which are from the beautiful artwork that inspired this story by chosenfire28.

Arthur pulls his car into the airport terminal, moving right towards passenger pick-up and pushing his sunglasses up his head now that he’s under the canopy. He searches the crowd for Eames, having received a simple text stating, “Customs.”

You can read this entry at dreamwidth where it has

arthur/eames, fic, inception, rated: nc-17, ibb

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