Fic: Spill

Jan 23, 2012 21:25

So I've finished the initial writing of my IBB! Go me, or something. I pretty much hate it at this point. But that's probably because I've spent to much time on it. It still needs to be beta'd and re-edited, but whatever. In celebration of finishing said IBB, I wrote a short fic for
asunder 's A/E Facial Fic Fest.

Rating: NC-17
Total word count: 837
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Arthur/Eames
Warnings: Derogatory dirty talk.
Summary: Arthur spills more than he intends.

Porn + Feelings. This makes me happy.

You can read this entry at dreamwidth where it has

arthur/eames, fic, facial, rated: nc-17, fic fest

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