Love, gifs, community

May 01, 2011 14:21

OMG ohfreckle  is hosting a Love Meme! Everyone drop what they are doing and go leave some love for the amazing writers and artists in the community!

Also harlequincepted is having a Love Fest

night_reveals  Fat Cock Vivant week is still going! Ribaldry & Rage just wrapped up, though I'm sure there is still a few works to be posted from that.

Everyone is on twitter! Including me! Feel free to add me. I've had more amazing discussion on twitter than ever before because everyone is so welcoming and chatty. It doesn't matter the time of day, someone is on! Gotta love world-wide fandom.

Seriously we've been discussing anything from cooking and cocks, to meta and beta help. Also there is twitfic on the regular! This sometimes leads to complete fic later.

My mind always makes up new lines to scenes I rewatch and I tend to make gifs for that on my tumblr.

“So, how about you and I get dinner sometime?”
“Fuck off.”
“Yeah, ok.”

Sorry Cobb, he's only got eyes for Arthur.

And don't fret! I am currently writing the next chapter for Everything has Changed. Nothing has Changed after which I will be writing the next chapter for The Consequence of Trust
And I finally coded my journal and got it to look how I like. I find the dark background and light text is easier on my eyes. Please be a doll and tell me if it looks alright on your computer if you use Internet Explorer. I didn't do anything extravagant with the code, but one can never tell when it come to IE. That browser is just awful.

gif, tumblr, twitter, fic fest, updates, love meme

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