Bare-Knuckle 1/1

Apr 28, 2011 00:24

Rating: NC-17
Total word count:  6,485
Pairing(s) /Character(s): Arthur/Eames
Warnings: Violence (boxing), blood, rough sex, rimming, come play.
Prompts: For These two prompts in Inception Kink
Eames hates to see Arthur in pain...Eames loves to see Arthur in pain.
Biting, Scratching at hipbones and knees and jaws and fingers/hands.
Summary:For a con Eames ( Read more... )

arthur/eames, fic, inception, come-play, gaping, violence, barebacking, inception kink, rated: nc-17, rimming

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Comments 41

queena21 April 28 2011, 08:54:32 UTC
Jesus..this was fucking perfect. Honestly, Im gonna be thinking about this one for a while lol VERY HOT! The sex was so intense and filthy..and I absolutely LOVED it!!!! Thanks so much for sharing =)


lezzerlee April 29 2011, 03:40:52 UTC
Thank you for reading, and leaving a comment! I'm super glad you enjoyed the filthy sex! I didn't even get to work felching in like I wanted because the situation just didn't work for it.


sin_repent April 28 2011, 10:13:38 UTC
That was really INTENSE and HOT and PAINFULLY PERFECT in every way possible!!!! Brilliant work!!!


lezzerlee April 29 2011, 03:41:09 UTC
Thank you so much!


night_reveals April 28 2011, 10:44:22 UTC
WOW. I am not usually into blood and violence but WOW.

He wants to lick the man’s blood from Arthur’s fingers. He wants to taste the sweat of victory as he devours Arthur’s skin.

LOVE this line, really.

He’ll pull him down to the dirty cement and force his tongue down Arthur’s throat. He’ll strip him bare for the world to see and claim him as his own.

Just, that is so hot. Um. Yes. Cement.

I love the aftercare, too. Eames wrapping Arthur up in his arms is just... *__* So hot and cute, at the same time.


lezzerlee April 29 2011, 03:42:13 UTC
I love how you host a rage week and you aren't into blood/violence. Silly woman! I'm happy you enjoyed it anyway!

Violent and cute. Just how I love my men!


vitraux April 28 2011, 12:20:48 UTC
whoa. whoa.

this is awesome. :DD


lezzerlee April 29 2011, 03:44:43 UTC
Thank you!


we_reflamingos April 28 2011, 12:36:42 UTC
Fan-bloody-tastic! (Pun not intended, but I'm happy with it anyway.)

Loved the fight scene, especially this: "The click of the man’s teeth knocking together can be heard over the jeers of the audience. His head snaps back in a beautiful arc."

Then there was the other fight scene, followed by (including?) the filthy hot sex. Wow. Just wow.

Thank you, so much. ♥


lezzerlee April 29 2011, 03:45:46 UTC
Yes yes yes to the icon!
Thanks for the comment! I love when people love what I love because I love writing fic for myself.



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