late night surveys for fun :)

Dec 24, 2006 05:56


name* Leslie
height *5'6''
what are you wearing* sweats as usual


color* purple
food* mommy's macaroni and meatballs
place to be* either the beach, an amusement park, or college :)
website* facebook
thing to do when you're bored out of your mind* um surveys? jk EAT.
way to kill time* sudoku<3333
soda pop* Shirley temples.
drink other than pop* fruit punch
people to be around* katie, greggy, ryan, susan
family members* katie! & anna banana

Do You

talk with a lithp* lol clever. no
like to eat mac and cheese* YESSSS
annoy yourself * sometimes
talk too much* haha i've been told so
get along with your family* yup
like taking pix* oh yesss
do drugs* the occassional weed
enjoy being bored* who ENJOYS being bored?
slap people you get annoyed with* no but i def think about it
have any money* i just babysat so yeah :)
have an ipod* yup
like to draw* just my name.
smell bad* No.
get on the computer too much* yes lol
figure things out easily* depends what kinda things
like to eat* heck yes motha
type fast* yeah
run fast* um no
like to play sports* depends
like school* i like college--just minus the schoolwork part. HATE that
sleep a lot* now that i'm home, YES!
cuss* actually not a lot. all i say is bitch and shit

Your House -->i'm just leaving all of katie's answers cuz they're obviously the same :)

what color is the outside of it* Creme.
what color is/are your bathroom(s)* Beige, purple & green.
where is your room located* Upstairs.
do you like it * Yeah.
is your house small or big* Medium.
do other people like it* I don't ask..
do you ever have parties at your house* not big parties..just a few friends over to drink
what side of town are you on* katie's retarded. we're at the very edge of 2 different counties lol
do you spend a lot of time at home* now that i'm back from college, YES. and i do not like it
how many houses do you have* One.
have you moved a lot* just to college
how long have you been at your current house* My whole life.
do you think you'll be there for a while* i wont be able to afford anything when i get outta school so yeah prob lol

Have you ever

cussed out a teacher* No.
got your tounge stuck to a pole* I don't go around licking poles. --nicely put, kathrine
played hookey* No.
lied(if you say no...then you just lied)* Yes.
gotten grounded for more than a week* Yes.
fell on your ass because you were walking on ice* not ice...
bought jeans that were more than $100* never will i ever.
faked sick* Yes.
watched teletubbies* once when i was young. hated it
started randomly singing a song from a little kid show when walking home* umm?
drowned* nope
beaten anyone up?* haha yea


are you cold right now* ALWAYS
are you hungry* kinda
what is the closest thing to you that is silver* pencil sharpener
do you like to paint your nails* nope i like to have katie paint my nails
whens the last time you took a shower* a few hours ago
whens the last time you got yelled at for not taking a shower* um not really yelled at..but susan lol (see previous entry)
do you get a lot of detentions* there are no detentions in college :)
what song are you istening to* None.
make a random animal noise....* Rawr.
what noise did you just make?* A dinosaur.
why are you even taking this survey* cuz katie did it :)
what grade are you in* um 13th lol
who is the last teacher you pissed off* idk
what teacher do you piss off the most* idk
are you in a mafia* no
do you like to eat wierd parts of animals* Nooo.
are your parents together still* Yup. 20 years 3 days ago :)
were they ever together* Yah.
how old was your mom when she had you* like 33
when is the last time you talked to someone* a while ago
what does your current report card look liek* DAMN GOOD SON
are you a nerd* nah
do you wear watches* No.

do you carry a purse* Yes.

what do you say too much* ryan
what kind of pop did you drink last* this is a joya survey.
where are you going* bed
where were you at this time tomorrow* This question is stupid.
close your eyes....when you open them whats the first thing you see* Computer. duh.
close your eyes again and tell me what you see when they are closed * Beige color.
what are you thinking about* my back hurts :(
what are you listening to now* Nothing.
is this taking forever* Yes. Be done!
is that a good or a bad thing* Bad.
do you make bad choices* Sometimes.
how long can you hold your breath* i really dont care
when is the last time you went swimming* Summer.
do you like to go people watching* um sure
whens the last time you went to the mall* yesterday
what is the date today *12/23/06
do you think people are even going to read this* only if they're filling it out themselves
do you care if anyone reads it* No.
are you happy right now* not really
whattime is it* 12:45

1. How old will you be in five years?
2. Who did you spend at least three hours with yesterday?
3. How tall are you?
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?
5. What's the last movie you watched?
6. Who was the last person you called?
7. Who was the last person to call you?
8. Who was the last person to text you?
9. Do you prefer to call or text?
10. Do you have any pets?
yup my fish dutchess :)
11. What were you doing at 12am last night?
prob watching tv
12. Are your parents married?
14. What color are your eyes?
15. What time did you wake up today?
katie woke me up at 830 telling me to work for her. so i went bak to sleep for a half hour :(
16. What are you wearing right now?
17. What is your favorite christmas song?
'all i want is you this christmas'-nsync
18. Where is your favorite place to be?
19. Where is your least favorite place to be?
in snow.
20. Where would you go right now if you could go anywhere?
pick up ryan in schenectady then take him to greece then italy
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
never really thought bout it
24. Who was the last person that really made you laugh?
prob katie
25. How many TVs do you have in your house?
26. How big is your bed?
twin :(
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer?
laptop is mine for school. at home i use the desktop tho
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
changes every night
31. What is your favorite season?
32. What do you like about fall?
my birthday :)
33. What do you like about winter?
34. What do you like about the summer?
the weather
35. What do you like about spring?
flowers? easter!
36. How many states have you lived in?
37. How many cities/towns have you lived in?
2 including college
38. Do you prefer shoes, socks, or bare feet?
39. Are you a social person?
40. What was the last thing you ate?
tostitos. surprised?
41. What is your favorite restaurant?
mcdonalds lol or applebee's
42. Longest car ride?
either home to missouri or home to florida
43. single or taken?
single but also taken. lol
44. What is your favorite kind of soup?
chicken noodle
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich?
non existent
46. Do you like Chinese food?
some of it
47. Do you like coffee?
just coollattas
48. How many glasses of water, a day, do you drink on average?
not a lot except for today and yestreday..
49. What do you drink in the morning?
water or iced tea
50. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?
if ryan's there, yes, cuz he just HAS TO have the wall side..
52. Do you know how to play poker?
53. Do you like to cuddle?
54. Have you ever been to Canada?
55. Do you have an addictive personality?
56. Do you eat out or at home more often?
58. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
59. Do you want kids?
60. Do you speak any other languages?
61. Have you ever gotten stitches?
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance
63. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
64. Do you prefer a window seat or an aisle seat?
65. Do you know how to drive stick?
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on?
clothes and food
67. Do you wear any jewelry?
not as often as usual
68. What is your favorite TV show?
one tree hill
69. Can you roll your tongue?
70. Who is the funniest person you know?
thats a toughy
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?
smack that
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little?
lol yeah prob
74. What red object is closest to you right now?
my sweatshirt
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth?
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
closed. thanks to saw1 lol
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
big bear
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
sweet & sour, BBQ, or ketchup
80. What is your favorite food?
mommy's macaroni and meatballs
81. Can you change the oil on a car?
ha no. thank you daddy
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
83. Have you ever run out of gas?
pretty damn close a lot of times
84. What is your usual bedtime?
Whenever I'm tired.
85. What was the last book you read?
umm idk lol
86. Do you read the newspaper?
the school newspaper ;)
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
89. Do you watch soap operas?
90. Do you dance in the car?
91. What radio station did you last listen to?
k104 or z100
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper?
the time i had to babysit tonight
94. What is your favorite candle scent?
hm idk
95. What is your favorite board game?
LIFE. or clue
97. When was the last time you attended church?
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent?
um a few hours prob lol
100. Who was the last person to IM you?
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