Nov 14, 2006 05:00
1. Three girls: OMG, you are so pretty! You look like Salma Hayek!
Me: ... How drunk are you guys!?
::I walked away after they tried to touch me without consent::
2. When I realized I was alone in a room with a lunatic and then was glad when we headed out to another room party. She got off the elevator and I just smiled as the doors closed and i waved goodbye! HAHAHAHA.
3. Meeting Brandon who kept forgetting my name bc he was drunk and kept calling me "my gorgeous latina friend" LOL.
4. Ohhh when Carmen Vazquez got the award from Russell! And we went downstairs and her proclamation for the year was to "just do it! FUCK!" LOL
5. Meeting Carlos' pretty hot sister. ***PRICELESS***
6. Carlos meeting gorgous Dora the Explorer. ***PRICELESS***
7. Ohhh I met 2.5 salvadorans!!! One is Martha from DC, one is a guy... and the other is half salvadoran and half ecudarian... her name is Maria... and she is HOT! ***PRICELESS***
8. When Carlos went to the bathroom and I heard a horrible noise and I thought he had like fallen or something! LOL ***PRICELESS***
10. Introducing myself to people I have met already bc I was drunk the first time... I know I have to start pretending I know people!
11. Ohhh getting back in touch with Francisco from Lamba Legal!!! ***PRICELESS***
12. When Carlos drew Monica on a napkin and we started talking to it. ***PRICELESS*** HAHAHA and then he forgot and used her!
13. WOW when Palomita Buena Onda was wearing that pretty freaking sexy dress and I acted like I didn't care. HAHAHAHA. Yeh that was a lot of hard work. ***PRICELESS***
14. Oh yeh, and when Palomita Buena Onda gave me the up and down look and I pretended not to notice. AHAHHAHA. TWICE this weekend... yeh, I know, as if its a big deal... ah...***PRICELESS***
15. Having a nice conversation with Carlos, Michael and a couple of other people at the bar. ***PRICELESS***
16. Confessing what I think it's my best/worse quality to Carlos.
17. Reflecting on Creating Change with Carlos ***PRICELESS***
18. Having the hotel staff guys hit on me everytime they saw me, lol. They were so nice- always telling me to have a nice day and such things. Hehehe.
dora la exploradora,
palomita buena onda