Ms. Sasha in the NyC

Jul 30, 2006 13:03

I had a wonderful day yesterday with Monica, Sasha, Carlos and Vanessa.

First Carlos, VAnessa and I went to the Malaysian restaurant that I absolutely love.

As soon as i got home i washed the fruit Sasha gave me and started eating it. As i ate it I started thinking and processing the day in my head...

Ok, this is as adorable as it gets Ok. So Vanesa, Carlos and I met up with Monica and Sasha in Chinatown. And as soon as we get there Sasha takes out this fuit things- what the hell are they called... whatever. And she offer to Carlos, Vanessa and I. I look at her like omg, it's not washed I am not eating that. I was like "i just ate! I am not hungry" and Carlos ate his bc he is always hungry. lol. Vanessa accepted it too. Then we walked over to the train and Sasha offers it to me again and I was like "I am not hungry!" and then I saw a bit of hurt in her eyes. I felt embarrassed and stupid! Why can't I accept the generosity of others and thank them! WTF is wrong with me! I looked at her and said "Ok give it to me, I will save it for later". She handed it to me and then monica related to us that Sasha had bought us that fruit with her own money. I wanted to die- i wanted to cry- i felt like such an idiot. Why was I so mean! What's wrong with me! Here is an 8 year old doing something beautiful for me- offering something of hers- something that she bought thinking it was a nice thing to do for someone. And here i was telling her- i don't want it! I don't need it bc I am not hungry!

And then I realized it was the best moment to give her the Atlatic City teddy bear (to which I ate the chocolates bc I was hungry) and the $1 US map that I had intended to keep bc it's really cool. She faced bright up to the teddy- she smiled. I melted. My brain started yelling, I want children! I want children! I want to see them happy. I want to teach my children to be generous and loveable. I want them to be funny and mean! I apologized for eating the chocolate and Sasha narrowed her eyes and gave me an accusatory glance like "omg you ate half the gift" lol, and I laughed. She smiled lol.

Walking underground for the train- i turned to Sasha and out of nowhere said "So, I signed up for swimming classes in school!" Monica apparently was listening and she was like what the hell.. that was so erupt, i know. I turned to Sasha and was like "I am going to learn to swim too!" LOL. She was like "you don't know how to swim?" bc Ms. thing does so I was like WHATEVER. I always wanted to learn but by the time i got to nyu i was 18 and everyone knew how to swim there. It's embarrassing coming from El Salvador and not knowing how to swim- i mean come on- we live right by the water and rivers. Ah, frustrating. So yes folks, i am going to take elemtary swimming class at coles lol and then ask Muniba to keep guard when i practice although we do have lifeguards folks around. lol.

Then we walked by the artist and farmers market in Union Square- which monica refered to as the flea market!!! LMAO. OMGGGGGG. I was cracking up soooooooooo much!!! And she goes, "it's the same thing!" LOL. I nearly died- if I had been drunk i woulda dropped to the floor laughing like I always do! The flea market... omg. I love it- I am going to call it that from now on- ohh guess what... I went to the flea market and got quality fruit and vegetables... Union Square is one of my favorites hang out spots during the early fall and during the spring.

Sasha keeps thinking I am a teenager. She cracks me up. She has asked me like ten times in the three times I have seen her! So yesterday at the flea market she asked, you go to college? And I am thinking hey, i finished college! And then, wait, I am going back... so I said yes, I am in college. She said, so you are a teenager in college? And I said, "teenagers do not go to college... oh wait, i do have students that are 17... but I am not a teenager" and then she goes further... ahahha, I LOVE IT. She goes, "so you are like an adult...?" I stood there- I glanced at Monica. She was smiling bc she was listening to our conversation. I thought about it. An adult. Sort of an adult. I didn't really know how to respond... I mean... adults are boring and responsible- but I am not a child anymore lol... but adults in my eyes are mostly lame. And now that I am supposed to actually start taking care of myself and be responsible of what I do with the rest of my life without having to consult my parents all the time does sort of make me an adult right... So monica answered her "yeh, something like that" and I was like "yeh... i guess yeh i guess im like an adult but not really there yet". OUT THE MOUTH OF BABES. I am telling you- i love children. I want kids. OMG, it's just so adorable. I wonder if she realizes what that means- what her question is really asking... it caught me off guard so much- she is 8! I didn't even know how to answer the question of an 8 year old! It's such a simple question too.

I pointed to the Barnes and Noble and told Monica I spend my hours there reading and just hanging out sometimes. She was looking for a bookstore under a different addresss but we went into Barnes and Noble intead. Sasha and I read some books together and it was so much fun! I loved it! It brought memories of when I used to volunteer fridays afternoons at my local library and read to the children. I remember working at the gallery where I used to do Story Sharers and other reading programs for children. I think one of our favorites book that we read was the poetry scary one... it was great. It was disgusting!!!

Then they had starbucks. It's such an evil corporation. Coffee is bad for you. The only way my kids will ever have coffee is to eat pan dulce. lol. Although, god, i hate to admit it but el cafe de hoya que monica me dio en mexico was good, but I am stubborn so I refused to order one bc i dont drink coffee lol.

Then we walked uptown and it was really nice. We were on 32nd street when monica asked where 24th street was! I looked at her like are you crazy? lol- she was walking to 24th street to go over to Monika's apartment and we had already walked to 32nd, lol. OMG, what the hell.. hehehe. I was like, we walked by it like 15 minutes ago! LOL. We walked by the empire state building and then walked to 6th ave where i told her to take the F or V train to 23rd and 6th ave.

We hugged goodbye and it was over. It was like, awwwww you are leaving, and ok, well i will see ya soon. Sasha is such a sweet kid. I hope she comes back and i want to teach her how to use the darkroom and how to make pictures. I didn't get to hang out with them as much as I had initially expected, but I hope she had great time here! Things have been sort of chaotic and all over the place for me too. when I am around children I feel reminded of the things that I should be caring out... and the little things that matter.


P.S. AHAHAHAHa Monica's bad news wasn't bad news at all. It's actually good for my ego. So... I am thinking of telling her- yeh, you can send the link to the other folks in Mexico.


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