Women & Transamerica

May 26, 2006 00:21

Ohh the aztec warrior- i am not sure why i am so attracted to her. Could it be bc she is from Mexico so she only makes me think of good things? Today I went over to her desk and stared at her until she said hello. I smiled and said i was hungry lol, she was already having lunch at her desk. I wanted to smack myself so hard, wtf, "I am really hungry" lol, WTF MINA. WTFFFF. OMG. Somebody smack me the fuck out, "I am really hungry". It's not that serious folks, but I coulda asked her other things that are more revelant and gotten her talking more and find out more about her... for example, i can ask her about student organizing, or how to sign up for the summer leadership event, etc... I am so horribly disappointed in myself. It's not like I LIKE HER THAT MUCH. She is cute and all, pero ya superalo. DARN.

I am usually not attracted to manyf androgenous women... usually they are more femme... but lately i am really getting attracted by AGs and androgenous women...

I had a really interesting conversation about trans youth yesterday... and im beginning to understand some things about our AGs. OK, so for example, lots of our girls like to pass as guys- but they do not identify as trans. But are dress like tomboys- and they like to be perceived that way- and so... are they trans or not? I said, but if they do not identify... then u cant force a label on them... And others said, yeh, but they dont identify with the label but they do like to pass and do not like to be perceived as "girls" whatever that means... and so then im like um... so what would that make them? So then I am thinking our whole- people that do not fit into labels thing, and the diversity of gender expressions that exists... and lets not forget we are also dealing with teenagers that might be exploring their gender identity as much as their sexual identity.

I remember when i was young, lol, i was a tomboy for like a year bc i wanted to be perceived as anything other than heterosexual. I didn't want men hitting on me on the streets anymore- not that i wanted women hitting on me iether, but just not be harrassed. I wanted people to see me for how i felt inside even if that meant falling into "stereotypes"- which ya know, we all know that queer women is such a diverse form of self expression when it comes to clothing... but my point is... and for a while i thought, wow maybe i was meant to be a boy bc i like girls lol, which after researching in books in the library i realized that wasn't true... and after that TV kiss of Neve Campbell with some anorexic girl in Wild Things. So the youth... i wonder if that's what's happening to them? The desire and need not to feel invisible, to make a statement, to say, im here and im queer lol, or whatever... or if they are somewhat figuring out their gender identity/expression... probably both... it's complicated.

Today I watched transamerica and the director was there so our kids asked him a few questions and it was great. I loved it. I saw the last half an hour of the movie and i thought it was great... One of our kids was like "so did yo get a GLAAD award for this???" and I was SOOOOOOOO PROUD. I wanted to run up to him and hug him and say tell him that I loved him lol. At the age of 17, he knows what GLAAD is- that is just too cute. I am guessing GLAAD is getting more and more attention than ever, but he is 17... i found out about GLAAD two years ago.



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