muffins that taste like doughnuts! One look at this recipe will make your arteries clog and your heart stop, but that doesn't even begin to describe the utterly sinful feeling you get when you're fingers-deep in pools of melted butter. I felt like I'd gone to the beach once I finished tossing these little beauties in cinnamon sugar: that shit got everywhere.
I'm still (im)patiently waiting for the sugary devils to cool and form their lovely crisp sugar crusts. Unless I snuck a premature sample that had seemed much too sugar-coated to exist, I couldn't rightly tell you how awesomazing these are.
Try this recipe out if you dare! (Also, apologies for yet another lame-o photo.)
In other food-related news, I've made two sorbets with my ice cream maker since my mango ice cream experiment. they came out... alright, but way too sugary-sweet for my tastes. I'll post a recipe once I get the ratios right, lovelies!