Can you spell procrastination?

Apr 16, 2009 19:25

 I never want to apply to anything ever again as long as I live. Seriously. This school year has included 4 transfer apps, the disability social security app, countless job applications and now I'm working on one for a paid internship doing grant writing in SF this summer.  The disability app is the worst. They want all my medical information in my entire life. Ranging from who gave me my IQ test to the location of every physical examination I've ever had and every job I've held and a lot of info about my joints.

I got into UCSC, but haven't heard from anywhere else yet. I'm getting a little nervous because my apartment hasn't gotten mail in the last week and we usually get some almost every day. I think I mail eating goblin might live in our box. Which would suck because I'm expecting a paycheck in there. Anyone have any goblin-repellant? Federico is waiting on transfer info too, so we both keep obsessively checking the mailbox.

Yesterday I went to a two hour porn panel on UCB campus. It had Shine and Syd Blakovitch/Sean from pink and white productions, Madison Young of and a guy who works with trannywood studios (gay male porn featuring transmasculine actors). It was kind of amazing. For those of you that saw Superfreak: Madison was in the masturbation scene in the first scene and is the first possessed by Rick James. Syd is the one in the kitchen scene who isn't wearing the turquoise wig. I sat about five feet away from Madison. Now I want to go do underground queer porn. Oh the temptation, how it calls to me. A background in porn couldn't ever bite my future self in the ass, could it? But, yeah. They talked about porn and the queer community and politics and about how many people outside of the Bay Area don't tend to know what words like "transmasculne" and "genderqueer" and "gender-fucked dyke faggotry" mean. Craziness!

My German final approaches me with an alarming speed. We have just learned about the past tense. I cower in fear under my bed. Mostly I'm annoyed that I have to redraw all my verb memorization charts. There are about a dozen people in my class who are going on exchange to Germany next semester. I am astounded that they feel ready to go with only our very basic grasp of German. I'd want another three semesters of it before going on exchange. And probably to wait for all my relatives there to die. They haven't disowned me yet, but I suspect a large part of that is the not having seen me since I was seven. My grandparents are really racist. It makes me very uncomfortable. When I tell them they're being racist they just brush it off or say that they're simply stating fact. It makes my head hurt. Race is a social construction with very real negative impacts.

Also, I have a girlfriend. We have hit and past out 2.5 year mark. Isn't that crazy? I should be way too young and immature for that kind of commitment. Anyways, she got into the OT program at San Jose State and I am very proud of her. I'm also very excited that she will be employed and better able to put up with my dead beat ass as I stay in school for the next decade or so. I should give her porn to represent my love for her...

I was told yesterday that I am known in my apartment building as the butch girl who is always in the gym (there are giant windows so you can see into the gym from the lobby). A guy I'd never met came up to me and started telling me about it. It was odd. I do go to the gym a lot. Wouldn't you if you had free access to one in your apartment building?
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