Originally published at
LeySaulnier.com. You can comment here or
I have blogger’s block.
Is that a thing? Where every time you see that blank WordPress screen and are expected to fill it with text you grow unreasonably anxious, uncomfortable in your own skin, and self-conscious that every word you write is going to be judged.
It’s not that I don’t want to blog. I have a million ideas in the run of a day, usually while I’m in the shower or walking to work. I consider the act of blogging regularly. Yet months and months pass without an entry written, and every time I look at WordPress I cringe. (I also haven’t
tweeted in months and months, but that’s another anxiety to defeat another day.)
I do have a number of Tumblrs, two of which are updated quite frequently:
658 has snippets of writing,
Yet Another Reinvention is for writing inspiration, and
Of Paper & Dust is full of all kinds of random crap and both updated and more personal than the other two combined.
So I suppose I’ll just write this, which is part apology, part explanation for my absence, and part overcoming my fear of that gaping white screen, and I’ll work on blogging again.
(Oh, and I promise this isn’t an April Fool’s joke. Really. Honest.)