Look! A character meme! Stolen from
Shilo. I would like you all to know she is a terrible enabler. But I adore her to pieces all the same.
The art below is old. Year 2004 old. If you want proof that I drew it, click the link for a larger version. Enjoy my embarrassment!
TRIP from Triptych
001. What would they kill for?
Literally? Nothing. Trip would never become violent enough to actually kill someone. Metaphorically? A clean shower, fresh makeup, and a bit of meaning in her life.
002. What is the one thing they love to do most?
Sharpening her knives and swords. It fills her with a strange glee.
003. What do they dream about?
Ogres under bridges, the sea, her parents consumed by fire, fighting with Bastian over tarot cards, demon ghosts born from static electricity.
004. What’s their biggest fear?
To have Kessler leave and never return.
005. What single object would they be most hard pressed to part with?
Her green kohl liner. Bastian would never forgive her if she wandered around without eyebrows.
001. What is their fondest memory?
The day she left her parents’ home to join the circus. For the first time in her life, everything was exciting and new and she felt like she belonged.
002. What is their worst memory?
Her death. For obvious reasons.
003. What or who was their most significant influence?
A spider found as a child.
004. What do they believe makes a successful life?
She wouldn’t know, being dead, though she has always believed strongly that finding true love should be on the agenda.
005. If they died, who would miss them most?
Exchange “died” with “ceased existing,” and it would be Bastian.
EDIE REVENS from With Strange Aeons
001. What are their religious views?
Once Atheist, now Agnostic. You can’t be surrounded by angels and demons and not wonder, but the existence of a god has never been distinctly said, so she has reason to doubt.
002. What is their greatest strength?
She seldom - if ever - cries and she doesn’t become dearly attached to anything or anyone. At least, she thinks she doesn’t.
003. Do they have a fatal flaw?
She can be too wishy-washy and “go with the flow.” She isn’t aggressive enough with her beliefs.
004. Who is the most important person in their life?
Tobias. She would be very alone without him. She would have no one to trust.
005. What makes them laugh?
Clever jokes, when Tobias bumbles around, and the way Hadrian’s hair sticks up on end most of the time.
ADELE HARGROVE from Transient Creature
001. What would they die for?
To see her parents just one last time.
002. Who is the one person they trust the most?
The Interstice.
003. If they were guaranteed an honest answer to one question, who and what would they ask?
This is obvious: what would it take her to go home? And she would ask anyone who knew the truth, since it seems the Interstice certainly doesn’t.
004. What is the one thing they never want to forget?
So much has been forgotten that she isn’t sure what she has to hold onto anymore. She fears she’s already lost what it is that is most important to her.
005. How might they die?
She may lose her self, her memories, and become comatose. She could also die any number of nasty ways at the hands of the government.
RAPHAEL from With Strange Aeons
001. Who is the most useless person they know?
Ugh, Malphas. What a failure of a demon.
002. What is the worst thing they have ever done?
She doesn’t believe she’s ever done anything wrong.
003. Would they lie or keep a secret from the person they love?
Yes. And she has. The coincidental thing is, the greatest secret she has ever kept from someone she loves is that she loves them.
004. Do they have a goal in life?
To accomplish peace on Earth. No lie.
005. What have they always wanted to do but are afraid to try?
Fall in romantic love with someone. She isn’t sure it’s possible.