May 04, 2006 22:00
Life is pretty good.
Abby came over on Tuesday and spoiled the living shit out of me. She looked adorable as usual. We went out for lunch and she put gas in my tank. I did a lot of driving around the past 2 days but it was alright for the most part. Abby makes driving more entertaining by harping on about how much she hates old people.
She had to go to some rally thing downtown in the afternoon so I met up with Marlowe who I havent seen in ages, and we hung out and drank slurpees and played the hate game. Twas nice to see him again.
In the evening I made Abby dinner, although we couldnt eat much because we were so full from lunch. Then we picked up Guimond and headed down to BBJs to meet Fraser and Glyn. It was an awesome night full of beer drinking and peanut throwing...later amyl huffing. I really love that bar. It makes me like country music. After the bar we stopped by Peter and Josh's to hang out until Abby started to pass out, then I drove everyone home.
She says I'm a soccor mom for drunks. Which is kind of true. I cart around drunk boys a lot in my car, and they are loud and belligerent..I suppose I put up with it pretty well but I kind of snapped of Guimond when he was the only one left. I realize that out of all my friends in vic, only my lady friends drive. Fucking men. :)
Wednesday Abby and I did abit of shopping and bummed around smoking and drinking caffinated beverages. We also bought matching sexy striped shirts...well she bought them. Fuck that girl spoils me. I was sad when I had to drop her off at the bus stop, but hopefully she comes to Vic again soon and we can have more sexy girly fun.
I wasnt alone for long though.....Devin wanted to visit, so he came over and showed me his car and then we drove around beach drive and got stoned on some beach. It was a lovely starry night. Then he came back to my place...
Yadda yadda yadda I'm really tired today.
I think I've been happier lately because my social circle has expanded and now I spend a lot of my time in the company of some really awesome people. Its wierd how we change as we grow older....I used to really need and love time to myself and I was abit of a loner. I wouldnt say I'm dependant on people now....but having a sense of family is a good feeling, and I think people sharing their lives with people definitely makes life worth living. Oh wow. cheese. Its true though. Right now I feel like I have a lot in life to look forward to.
I think my entries are more interesting when I'm upset of flipping out about something. Expect many dull entries to come...