32 is not a rude word

Nov 28, 2012 16:23

News for today:

After finally giving in to curiosity I have now read a book that a friend of mine had leant me: Fifty Shades of Grey. Perhaps you have heard of it? Anyway after finishing this book all I wanted to do was get this guy on a couch and psycho-analyse him to find out how he got so... ahem, well, the way he was. It actually was a relief to know that I have some interest in my course, maybe I will actually continue on to be a psychologist.

Ok, boring rl bit over with.

In other news, Ohmiya finally got a room.

Note: the two news items do not have anythign to do with each other. Although...

Hahaha Imagination runs wild when you have nothing to do but serve people food for six hours -.-

Happy birthday to our Nino's Oh-chan, never ever ever change :)
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