SGA Art: Regency AU

May 05, 2008 13:12

For paintedspires
Title:Regency AU
Rating: G
Prompt: Regency AU, a rendezvous on a balcony
Medium: digital painting. Corel Painter X plus wacom tablet
Character(s): Rodney & John plus guest appearances

Notes: Lady Elizabeth Weir's dinner parties were commonly acclaimed as a venue for clever conversation and wit. While the Hon. Rodney MacKay could, on rare occasion, admit to enjoying such delights, he was forced to retreat to the balcony when the conversation turned to Politics. Major Sheppard, but newly returned from the Peninsular war, proved surprisingly congenial company in this temporary exile.

Notes2: I think Rodney (above) might be a little oblivious, since the picture took a slightly different tone than intended. I wanted to do something simple following the Noir extravaganza *g* but this was anything but simple or easy. Costumes shamelessly borrowed from the Colin Firth version of Pride and Prejudice, except for John who is wearing Sharpe's uniform (because Sean Bean in Rifleman's uniform = guh!). Thank you to kristen999 for the timely John picspam or I would not have found the perfect reference picture *g*
Unbetad since I ran out of time. (Please be charitable with the wonky perspective, light&shading and oddly shaped limbs). It is rather wide but the smaller faces look really bad if it is any smaller. Almost forgot to add - Teyla & Ronon are sitting just out of sight with Lorne and Cadman. I ran out of time to fit them in! *collapses into whimpering heap on floor*

eta: Fixed a few things.
eta1: Delightful comment fic by a mysterious 'nameless Georgette Heyer fan' (now revealed as here, here , and here

john, art, au, sga, rodney

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