Hell if I know.

Mar 18, 2004 15:46

Well I haven't really gotten any orders from my shop yet. I should be soon from a couple friends. I'm pretty bored right now actually. I'll be regretting that later when I have 15 banners to do.

People are starting to talk about gaian greed again. I think it's kinda funny that peple would leave because of that. Even if people are ass hats... why should you let that get you down? Oh well, I guess I'm not in their shoes. I've enjoyed myself on gaia. And I've only been there for 6 months. It's a nice place, even if there are jerks out there (just like everywhere else). It's still a nice place to me...

I need to get some more songs... Some good songs. Maybe with some acoustic guitar and piano. Oh, even cello. I'd like some more jazz. Fast jazz. Hehe, music is so nice.

I'm working ona new layout for mysite. I decided to make it simple, like this one. The ismple lay outs are usually the best... atleast in my head they are. I'm going to use darker colors this time around. I'm thinking of useing a picture saying i'm not a sweetheart. Just to spite a friend of mine. Yes, just to spite.

I'm thinking of making a little pixel pony... just to make one. I've always been obsessed with them. Before I could remember. Don't laugh... I love my ponies. I remmeber them all by name. It's my childhood toy... my childhood obsession. Those things are not so easy to let go of sometimes. Hehe, even if it does seem silly.

My mouse cherry is hidden in her nest now... all i can see is a little pink nose sticking out from the bedding. Soemtimes she'll move and the mound'll quiver. She's so cute. She destroyed her chew toys... o.o" and i just gave them to her yesterday. I figure she's getting a bit bored. I think i'll put her in her mouse wheel today and let her run around on my floor. It's like a hamsterwheel but a lot smaller. I got a red one since they didn't have green. i really love spoiling the small and fluffy, and osmetims the scaley.

Hehe. I'm flipping the channels and oprah's on. He dont' kick it osme of those episodes are pretty good when they're not talking about fasion and life styles. Today is about little slut girls and how their parents are shocked about it. Whoo boy. A lot of times i've noticed it's lack of communication. That or they were just raised ignorant. Haha, it reminds me of when my aunts and elder 2nd cousins are talking to my mum. My mum somtimes say that she shouldn't trust me. because "she doesn't know what i'm doing." That... "I could be out partying and having sex and rink and smoking and blah blah blah." If I was THAT stupid I would have been caught. Seeing as i don't go out havign sex like I need it to live, I dont' think there is anythign to worry about. Really.. just because THEIR daughters are like that doesn't mean all girls are. No offense to those of you who are 15 and sexing up every damn thing you can find and smoking and drinking... but it's not worth it. A lot of my friends are like that, they're great people... when they're not tyring to be 21.

Hmm have i written too much, AGAIN? What am i trying to compensate for... sorry for typos.
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