
Oct 07, 2009 20:09

Welcome to my journal. I've always thought that introductions are boring, but one is in order, so I guess I'll just give you some random facts.
  • I'm fifteen.
  • I'm Cuban.
  • I loathe sugar-beet with all my heart. The smell makes me sick.
  • I have some sort of addiction for the word stunning. I just can't seem to write a decent post without including it.
  • My name is Laila.
  • I've been photshopíng for two years now.
  • Besides photoshop-ing, I really enjoy reading, writing, and am getting started in the vidding world.
  • I prefere making banners to icons. I suck at making wallpapers.
  • My obsession is Harry Potter, so that's probably what you'll find most of here. You'll also see some Twilight, Grey's Anatomy, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Mortal Instruments and Jane Austen stuff. Besides other bits and pieces from random things.
  • I ship Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione in the Harry Potter fandom.
  • I looooove chocolate. I could live my entire life just eating chocolate (but I guess that's not just me).
  • My favourite TV Show couples are: Mark/Addison, Mark/Lexie, Cristina/Burke, Lucas/Peyton, Chuck/Blair and Vanessa/Nate. 
  • I have a huge passion for dance and will never forgive myself not a entering a dance school when I had the chance.
  • I live in Egypt.

That should be it. If there's anything else you'd like to know about me, just ask. Hope you find good stuff in here and enjoy looking around. The juicy stuff is coming on.

introduction, general, welcome

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