Big Supernatural Convention Entry + Pictures... FINALLY!! :D

Aug 24, 2011 22:32


Finally I did the entry for the German Convention in May with many photos and experience reports.

Sooo my dear guys. As some of you maybe know already I was at the Asylum Europe Convention (AECON2)  in Germany from May the 21th to 22th. And it was sooooo fucking amazing!!! ♥♥♥ I really wanted to do this entry earlier but I was so busy with my exams and the last weeks I was just freaking lazy. xD So I'm sorry. I hope I can make it up with some photos. =) Soo I went there with one of my best friends called Bibs (girl behind me xD).

And at first we came a half hour to late and missed the start of the Jensen panel. X_x God... it was just so crazy. Suddenly we were in Mannheim and had absolutely no plan were to go with our whole baggage. xD At first we wanted to dump our bags at our hotel but we were so late so we took the whole stuff with us. :DD It was so exhausting.
And all service and security people ther were just like "Aaah come on come on.. Jensen is already on the stage!! Just go inside!"

And than I said to Bibs: "Holly fuck!! We're going to see Jensen... NOW!" and Bibs was just trembling an just said "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god etc." :D

We went through that freaking hotel and then they just shoved us in this big hall and than BAM! Jeeenseen on stage~ <33 I didn't see him first and just heard his voice and it was so surreal to hear it not trough the TV. xDD Unfortunately all good chairs were taken so we were standing at the side of the stage and I didn't take any good photos. -.-

Yeah... after Jensen I met angelicfoodcake (Anke) for the first time!!! :D That was strange and awesome at the same time. To finally speak with a person you chatted for such a long time.

And then we took photos with Jensen. *__*

Anke and me tool a photo together but Bibs wanted a photo with me, too. So I went two times in this photo studio. xD It was a little embarassing. The first time I went in with Anke and Jensen sat there and I can't discride it what I felt. I was just thinking "He's real, he's real, he's real...OMG!" and than I went to him and he looked at me and SMILED THIS FUCKING CRINKLE SMILE and my brain exploded and my heart did a somersault. xDD

Woar... I just said "Hi" and "Can I do it like that??" and held out my elbow to him 'cause I wanted to put my arm on his shoulder and couldn't from a real sentence like "Can I lay my arm on your shoulder, please?" xDD And he smiled again and said "Of course!" and I melted. The real embarassing thing about that is that 2 minutes later I was at his side again with Bibs and I said "Hi again!" and he "Long time no see!" and in my head "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >////<"

Yeah.. so that was the photo adventure. xD
Here you can see the photos with Anke

On the left is angelicfoodcake and on the right me. =) Don't know the guy in the middle. xD

And that's Bibs and me with a smileing Jensen. =)
After that Anke won a talk round with Jensen!!! Wooow! That was so freaking awesome! She was all shivering and sitting on the floor and saying "Omg! I just paid 3 Euros for Jensen and others pay so much more!".
After that I wanted to win, too since at first I really did not want to join the tombala 'cause I was so scared of Jensen. xDD
I really had no idea what to say to him but as I saw how happy Anke was I wanted that chance, too.

So on the next day my first thought was "I WANT TO WIN!!". But as you know when you really want to have something you don't get it. =/ So my hope was not very big but I bought tickets for 3 Euros anyway.
The ticket seller wanted to bring me to buy 25 tickets for 10 Euros but I had no money anymore. xD I abadoned the thought of winning emmidiatelly.

BUT.... as the winners hung out with the numbers I got a big suprise. XDD MY first look fell immediatelly on MY NUMBER! It was so freaking crazy! O___O
I couldn't believe it that THIS was my number so I asked Bibs "Is that really my number?? Is it?"
and Bibs just answerd "Yeah.. Leyla.. it is... OH GOD! Stop bouncing!" xDD

So then came the time of the talk round and I met a girl who told me that she had spend 70 Euros for tickets (O__O) and as I told her I just paid for 3 Euros she was all like "WHAAAAT??? You lucky one!!" :DD

When they let us in the room of the talk round I made sure I was sitting 3 chairs away from Jensen so that I would have a nice view, as I recognized that there were standing two chairs except of one. Oo'
So I asked and the security told my "Oh yes... We are a little at loss of time so Jared will do his talk round with Jensen."
Lol.... and I asked "So Jensen and Jared together in this room?"
And the security "Uhm.. yeeah?"
- "Okay".... and in my brain was just on sentence "OMG OMG A TOLK ROUND WITH JEN AND JARED FOR FUCKING 3 EUROS!!!"

Good.. and then the two most beautiful men on the world came in that room and I couldnt believe it. :D
I couldn't realize it that there was no TV screen. xDD
And I wanted to touch.. so badly. X___x'''
I can retrace it a little that some people have no self-control and just grab.

Yeah.. and then Jared started talking.. and talking and talking an talking. xDD And Jensen was all quiet and shy. That was adorable. :))

And then Jared told us about his train travel from Amsterdam to Mannheim and how he managed it to bring a whole train system to a stop.

In Amsterdam he was at the platform with Genevieve and just got in the train as Gen asked "Honey, have u all my bags?" and Jared answerd "Sure... eeehm..." and he noticed that one bag was outside on the platform but the train was already locked. xD

Then a old lady came to look at the abadoned bag and Jay knocked on the window and seid "Heeey there! Yeah.. that's mine! Please open the door!" and while he told us that Jensen yelled "SORRY!! AMERICANS!" :DD
Yeah.. the old lady didn't understand Jay, shrugged and went away and the train started driving. xDD

Jared freaked out and ran through the train and met the conductor but he thought is was the train driver.
And then he said something like "And I thought..." and Jensen interrupted him and yelled "OMG NO ONE IS DRIVING THE TRAIN!" :D

Oh god and Jay looked in my direction so often. And every time I got a full view on his face I thought I was in a dream. xD

Yeah... after his meeting with the conductor he told us:
"And there was this emergency break..."

And Jensen responded
"And what was written on that emergency break??"

And Jared laughed and said "Do not break."

Jensen: "Yeah! And what was written below that?"

Jared laughed more "Don't push!"

Jensen: "And what did you do??"

And jared laughed even more "I broke the glas and pushed the button!!" xDD

Jensen: "YEAH!! You pushed the button!" :D

Oh baby... as for me he could push my buttons any time. xDD
Or even better.. Jay could push Jensen's buttons. :P

Then he showed us - full of pride - his injuries on his knuckles from the glas. xD He also did that at the panel.

And then Jay gave us a life show how the train came to an abrupt stop and how he and Gen stumbled trough the train and how he screamed. xDD It was like the scream in "gag rell - first season".
How Jen and Jay were in the Impala with Jeff and then suddenly started to yell like crazy. xDD

After that some train securty came to Jared and was totally shocked and asked what was the matter.

Jared just answered "Errrm... I forgot my bag on the platform."

And the guy "You... WHAT? You stopped the whole train 'cause of a bag?"

And then Jensen interrupted Jared again with "SORRY!! AMERICANS!! xD

I totally melted as Jared patted Jensen thigh after that. x))  
Jared said something like "Yeah but..."  and Jensen interrupted again with "NO ONE'S DRIVING THE TRAIN!!"
And Jay laughed so hard that he grunted like a pig. xDD
And while he laughed Jensen looked at him and smiled his beautiful smile. Aaaw~ So romantic. xD

Jared told us also that the train security guy explained Jared that he didn't just stopped his train but all other trains in the area...Includingly Jensen's. xDD

He also said "You have to pay 125!"
And Jared: "125 tousand???"

But he just had to pay 125 Euros. xD

After that Jensen told us that he and Daneel had to change the train thanks to Jared. And that they had to stand for a while and were also greeted by beer drinking soccer fans. xDD
Good.. the German soccer fans are bad. xD

I'm really suprised that no one recognized them exept of a boy with his girlfriend.

Yeah... and at some point I noticed that I was starring at Jared the whole time 'cause he didn't stop talking. xDD
So I looked at Jensen and literally SCANNED him from foot to hair.

And ooooh good. He is so beautiful. I constantly had to tell me "he is real, he is real, he is real." It was amazing. Esically to see his full lips and curled lashes for real. God... I'm so in love with this man. xDD

Yeah and that was Jared's train adventure. :P

After this was the big Jared and Jensen panel of which I have many photos.

Hope u like them! =)

The Convention hotel. :P

Jared panel:

Sweaty Jay... :D

Jared & Jensen panel:

This is just a screenshot from a video where Jay touched Jensen's jaw to shut his cake hole. xD

One of my favourite pics. :)

Aaaw... I love it when they share no personal space. xD

Inside the Convention hotel. On the left side was a big room for the autographs.

Other photos:

He was just a few inches away from me. *_*

He looked directly at me. O.o

What a shy boy. :D At the half of his panel he had no idea what to say an started singing "Crazy Love". :DD

In our little hotel room with me on the bed. :P

Me (left) and angelicfoodcake. ♥♥♥


Yeah.. that's the picture I let signed by the boys. x)
It was really funny. Espcially with Jared.
And also kind of embarassing... xD

When I went to Jay at first he said "Hey sweety!"...... DEAR GOD! :D After that my brain had a black out. xD
I really wonder how I managed it to say a little "hi..".
And when Jared looked at the picture at first he was confused and then he laughed. :D
He told me it was funny and if I drew it. I just nodded. xDD
And when I left he truely winked at me. *__* Well... Gigolo Jared. xD

As I went to Jensen I had to wait 30 minutes in font of his table 'cause he and Jared needed a "tea pause".
I didn't really mind since I got more time to gape at both. :P

When Jensen saw my picture I just signed and wanted to give it back to me but then he stopped, oolked at it again and frowned. xDD
He probably thought "OMG.. what did this girl to my face??" xD
But then he smiled but said nothing. =/ meeeh.

We also got autographs by Mark Sheppard (Crowley), who looked like a gangster rapper. xD
Also by Richard Speight JR. (Gabriel), Brock Kelly (Young Dean, he's really shy) and Fredric Lehne (Azazel).

When I went to Richard he called me "lady". Aaww. x)

And I dicgraced myself in front of Fredric.
He asked me "How the things are going?".
And I didn't understand it acoustically and just stood there a fey seconds until I finally came up with an impolite "WHAT?". xD
And Bibs wanted to explain it to me (she was standing next to me) what he said but I was just stupid and didn't get it. xD

And then he asked me "Alles klar?" which is German and means "Everything okay?"
Yeah.. I almost didn't understand that, too. -.-

Sooo.. this was my Convention entry! :) I hope you liked my report and the photos.
I have to apologize for the many spelling mistakes I probably made. x(


photos, , jensen, supernatural, jared, me, blabla, spn-convention

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