Re: nigger
December 9 2003, 02:58:15 UTC
Okay...If you have something to say, be a man or woman, and don't hide behind the "anonymous." I would post my name but I'm not a LiveJournal user. So here: my name is Amy. Fucking crackers trying to sit up here and call us "white." You shouldn't have brought the millions of us on slave ships to conform us to "white culture." But what is white culture anyway? Rock music? Which came from what---jazz? Which originated from whom? Oh yeah, black people. Or country music? Which rooted from African spirituals and the classic rhythm & blues music?To be honest, whites don't have a culture because they've rapped and pillaged the cultures of the world. Why don't you stop acting black?
Re: nigger
December 10 2003, 17:33:51 UTC
i dont think you should retaliate by insulting another culture. you have no right to say "white people" dont have one. i love how you group them like that.
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