pretty gross...

Jun 07, 2005 16:05

I felt compelled to post the address for this photograph..I had a lady call the Center today to see if we had this picture on a brochure for Throat Cancer. She had seen it somewhere and wanted to show her 7 sons, who all smoke. We get the most random questions...and this was one. So I spent a while trying to find this picture, and I finally found it on a website. It's so nasty.....and I thought i'd put the address up here. Those of you who smoke may think twice next time....

i know it's farfetched that you'll actually go "ok! I'm never smoking again!!" but...what the hell, right? My job is to promote healthy living and take care of people who unfortunately get cancer. The thing is, it's so sad when you see 2 people come in here--one is dying of leukemia and the other is dying from Lung or Throat cancer...and they're both going through HELL and you think "Wow...imagine how the lung cancer patient feels knowing they could have prevented this if they had just quit smoking."

Now, that's not to say all lung cancer patients we get are smokers....but I'd say about 99.9% of them are and it's awful to see the pain they're going through, breathing on an oxygen tank, not being able to talk, dying more and more each day. I don't know, It's very hard to explain because you really just don't "get it" till you shake their hand and realize how real it is.

Ok, that's my schpiel for tobacco-free living for today!

IN other news: Cute boys are coming out of the woodworks to volunteer lie. In one day, we now have 3 new volunteers, all cute and all my age! whoohoo!:)HOWEVER...BIG downfall:

One is Tucker Perret, the boy I'll never get. The other is his COUSIN, so of course because he belongs to the Perret family also, yet another boy I'll never be able to date. And the third is this hottie who needs 80 hours of community service--why, i have no CLUE, but common sense would say he must have done something REALLY wrong. From my understanding, even a DWI will only get you 20 hours, so 80 must mean he committed a criminal offense or something, WHO KNOWS.

In the meantime, I'm psyching myself up for a trip to Toledo Bend this weekend with the family...maybe it'll get my mind off of my pitiful dating life. hahah...if nothing else, at LEAST i'll get a TAN while on the party barge! yay:)

please let the rain stop!!!

adios amigos...
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