Jun 19, 2006 05:47
What a lovely day to shank a bitch. I'm hungry. I need me some vittles! I love that I can type whatever the fuck I want here. Go fuckyourself! Har.... kja;lkdjfa;lkdjf;lkjadkjlea;ulkd;ukfkdk. Say that ten times fast!!! nice try bitches. I said kja;lkdjfa;lkdjf;lkjadkjlea;ulkd;ukfkdk, not kja;lkfjda;lkdjf;lkjadkjlea;ulkd;ukfkdk. If you can spot what the difference between those two is, you have way too much time on your hands. I suggest getting a life outside livejournal. I know virtual life is almost as good as real life sometimes, but seriously. Just kill yourself. Chances are no one will miss you. Except maybe your parents. But they are a couple of pussies. Maybe they will off themselves too! We should make it trendy to kill yourself. So all these fucking hipsters stop wasting oxygen that could be better used for me, or my offspring. Or burning stuff. Seriously though. You waste my O2, you are obnoxious and loud and fucking dumb, and vote fucking retards into office, and you should really just fucking off yourself. If not for me, then for you, and for everyone you know. So they dont have to deal with your shit and they can actually advance themselves as humans and evolve and learn and adapt and not be fucking retarded. I am going to invent something to selectively sterilize people. Anyway. This was pretty pointless. Way to waste your life reading some other dudes journal, asshole.