Instead of spending yesterday in a nationalistic fervour, I nerded out with my friend by re-watching all of Firefly and the Serenity movie whilst he cleared viruses off my laptop and I ate sushi. Good times.
Talking of Whedon, unpopular opinion but I THINK CABIN IN THE WOODS IS MORE ENJOYABLE THAN THE AVENGERS. There. I said it. Come at me :P
Also moorspede relevant to our fangirl interests, Nathan Fillion said this "When pressed on who of the cast is the best Shakespearean actor, Fillion doesn’t miss a beat, “Alexis Denisof - the guy will make you cry…”."
Adam Lambert is currently in London, now doubt looking wonderful and being all cupcakey-of-a-person and I cant go stalk see him because of family obligations ;__;
So I shall have to make do with watching his THX 118 meets 80s neon realness video over and over again!
Did anyone watch Mad Men this week?[Spoiler] OMG Laaaaaaane. And yet I still think it's gonna be Don that's the falling man in the title sequence. Also I'll be very sad if Peggy has left for good. She kicked-ass.
Doesn't spn_j2_bigbang start posting today? If I haven't said it before CONGRATS and KUDOS to everyone on my flist who wrote fic or made art. You all are awesome :)