Recs ahoy

Aug 03, 2009 16:38

So many fics to read. So little time. I haven’t read nearly as many spn_j2_bigbang fics as I’ve wanted to. The sum total of Sam/Dean fics that I’ve read has been 3! Lame. That said, I loved each of them ( The incestuous courtship of the antichrist's bride, Always You, without time or space and Crush). All very different and all enjoyable in very different ways save for the fact that I think they’re well written. I’ve read more J2 fics because that’s my fandom bag and, man, they’re making me happy. As are all the non big bang fics. In fact, I’m in a happy little fic reading bubble.

Hence the recs now, as my list of stories that I wanted to go YAY about has gotten pretty long.


All Of the While It Was You by crackedbuthappy 
Rating: R
Word Count: 11,750
Authors summary: Jared has a lot of rules for getting over a break up. When Danneel dumps Jensen like a bad habit, Jared takes it upon himself to teach Jensen's the rules. What Jared learns is that sometimes the rules don't always apply.
Comment: This is full of such joyous banter that its impossible not too feel happy as you read it. The slow shift from friendship between the boys to something more plays out just right and is totally satisfying. ““Well, you can't have the old one. The old one dumped you like Brad dumped Jen for Angelina. You need to get over her or you’ll end up dating Vince Vaughn and John Mayer. I cannot allow you to date a douchebag, Jensen. I just can't. Plus, you're totally prettier than Jennifer Aniston-””

Between Miles And A Stone’s Throw by arlad 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC14
Word count: 44,000
Authors summary: After season four ends, many things change. Jensen’s relationship with Danneel gets stuck in a rut, and they break up, and Jensen and Jared’s friendship solidifies even more. Season five is the last one, and everything becomes more intense. Jared and Jensen act on their feelings, start something that’s a lot like a relationship, but both of them refuse to talk about it, to put themselves on the line and risk getting hurt. Will they figure out what they mean to each other and a way to be together, despite time, distance, and mistakes?
Comment: There’s denial, there’s tension, there’s sweetness, there’s misunderstandings, there’s all the messy things people do when they’re trying to find their way and that’s what makes this story feel so real. The slow, natural way things progress and the emotions captured along the way combine to create something that is a pleasure to get lost in.

Domestic Bliss& Other Oxymorons by winterweathered 
Rating: R
Word count: 29.000
Authors summary: Hell is living with other people.
Comment: Smart and funny, this reads as so entertaining its impossible not to get sucked in. The Jared and Jensen here rock the casual snark but best of all the story has fully rounded out and extremely likable girl characters who aren’t just there to be the deus ex machinas for getting the boys together but are important friends and confidants in their own right.

Five Fifteen Reasons Why Jared Fucking Hates Valentine's Day and One Reason Why He Doesn't by lissa-bear 
Rating: R
Authors summary: But really, Jared can't remember anymore why he hates Jager so much and breaking the bottle seems like a sad idea, so he just joins the circle and watches Mike dare Chad to wear Kenzie's underwear on his head. Kenzie isn't wearing underwear, which, go figure, so Mike dares Chad to run around the room naked. And if seeing Chad naked isn't reason enough to hate Valentine's Day, Jared doesn't know what is.
Comment: This really made me laugh. “So Jared always ends up going with Chad, who always ends up rolling on E and trying to molest some poor innocent by-stander, who always ends up being someone Jared knows. And then Jared ends up spending the entire night apologizing for Chad and picking him up off the floor and carting him home when he passes out. And Chad always passes out right before Mike breaks out the really good weed. And Jared's seen how touchy-feely Jensen gets when he's high and he just knows that asshat Chis gets to be on the receiving end of Jensen's grabby hands.”

Imprint by mass_hipgnosis
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Authors summary: In a world where love at first sight is a documented scientific phenomenon, and potentially lethal, Jared and Jensen still meet for the first time when they've both been chosen for Supernatural; things just go a little differently after that
Comment: Fascinating semi-AU bonding fic. The author has created an interesting and original universe for the boys to slot into.

Neon Showman by atimi 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 24,000
Authors summary: The love story of Jared and Jensen as observed by one Chad Michael Murray. While Jared experiences a journey of self-discovery in which he realizes he's gay, lands a role on Supernatural and falls for his new co-star, Chad names his penis, chairs the Eric Brady fanclub and develops an unhealthy fascination with fraternal incest.
Comment: Possibly one of the most inspired ideas for a J2 fic ever. Chad, lovable little scamp that he is, provides not only colourful commentary on the epic love story but also assists in nudging events along and writing the most perfect capsule Supernatural episode reviews. The reader’s admiration for him will not be denied. Hilarious and incredibly good fun.


Not on the Map by elless18 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 11,550
Authors summary: The boys go on a road trip from Dallas to NYC and discover a few new things along the way.
Comment: Sweet, fluffy and uplifting.

Ouzo by lazy_daze 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 15,500
Comment: Jared and Jensen go to Corfu and romance blossoms away from prying eyes. Like the developing relationship itself, this fic is hot and lazy and laid-back and you can feel the summer heat as you read it. “Evening's threatening the edge of the late afternoon, a gentle darkening of the warm air and a slightly cooler breeze against the sweat-damp back of Jensen's neck. He pushes the key in and the door swings open without him needing to turn it. He turns to Jared with a grin. "Come on, then. Home sweet home for the next few days." Jared smiles, tired but real, and punches Jensen lightly in the arm for no apparent reason.”


In Medias Res by the_staci 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 2475
Authors summary: When Jared breaks his wrist on set, Jensen makes him feel better. N'awww.
Comment: This was incredibly sweet. I loved how as hot as the sex was, it was still all about them just being boys and making each other laugh and have fun. “Jared snorts and waves his casted hand imperiously. "My cast is sexy as fuckin' hell. You love my cast. Every time you see it you get so hot and bothered that you have to stop yourself from dropping your pants and bending over for me right there. It's such a turn on for you that I won't even need to even touch your dick, you'll come so hard from just the thought of my sexy cast. Don't try to lie to me, Jensen Ackles, I know you better than that."”


The Golden Rule by valiant 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 13,000
Authors summary: Jensen doesn't know what game Jared's playing at all, here, doesn't know the rules -- except one.
Comment: Hot detailed D/S smut fic featuring a ridiculously awkward, tangled up and desperate Jensen. It’s no wonder that Jared fails to resist him and can’t but help coax him every step of the way.


Coming Up Easy by light_up 
Word count: 9300
Comment: So easy to enjoy. Pining!Jared waits for an oblivious!Jensen in a story that’s pretty lovely from start to finish.

Revolver by mijmeraar 
Rating: R
Comment: Jared and Jensen try to date. It does not go well. I like how this is different in that a great friendship doesn’t instantly mean happily ever after. Of course as soon as they stop trying…

Up On Dry Land by ampersands 
Comment: Supernatural ends and Jensen invites Jared on a road-trip in their newly acquired Impala. This is beautifully and elliptically written. The fragments of what is seen really enhances how evocative and realistic the fic feels. “Jensen spins the keys around his finger and catches them in his palm. This is the Jensen Jared likes the most, the one he doesn't see all that often: bright, mischievous, reckless. This Jensen can convince the world of anything. "C'mon, man. We're going for a long ride." Just as Jared begins to realize that this has been planned, Jim steps through the crowd and loads two duffel bags into the trunk.”


A Certain Smile by elise_509 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 57,000
Authors summary: It's 1958. Jared is the high school superstar: all-around athlete, straight-A student, and one half of the most popular couple in town. Jensen is the teen rebel, all motorcycles, hot rods, and rock ‘n’ roll. When Jared’s life veers closer to the edge, he finds Jensen waiting for him there. The collision is inevitable.
Comment: This is a period fic where all the era details that permeate the piece enhances the story and never overwhelms it, especially in regards to the taboo of homosexuality in the fifties which could have consumed it. Instead it works to fuel the boys' self-doubt and angst in real way that tells you about their characters rather than about their politics.

A Devil to Help Me Get Things Right by __doodle 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 72,000
Authors summary: It was in moments like this that Jensen knew that they would be together forever. Nothing would or could break them apart. Jensen was wrong. At 19 he was in love with Jared, full of plans and hopes for their future. He didn’t count on dropping out of college and driving Jared away with cheating and drinking being part of them. At 30 Jensen wakes up with retrograde amnesia, his last memories of being 19 and happy. As he struggles to regain his memory and find out who he is, Jensen has to face the harsh truths of who he became and how he treated Jared. Determined not to make the same mistakes again, Jensen starts to get his life back on track and try to win an engaged and angry Jared back.
Comment: Angsty but optimistic fic where we get to take our time and explore Jensen coming to terms with himself. The eked out flashbacks to his forgotten past are done at such a perfect pace, fast enough to keep the reader intrigued and slow enough to give us (and Jensen) time to handle each little revelation. But it’s Danneel that steals the show as she copes with her changing relationship with Jensen to become his bedrock.

Ashes of the Moon by corbyinoz 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 42,000
Authors summary: Jared Padalecki, an inexperienced and uncertain young man, is sent to Kibilisa, Africa, to work for his church. Less than a month later the country is torn apart by civil war. Alone in charge of a group of children, he despairs of surviving - until he meets a mysterious man named Jensen Ackles who seems to know the country and the language. Their journey together will bring them terror, pain, horror and the deepest grief; but also friendship, self-sacrifice, love and redemption.
Comment: There’s so much terrible brutality and pain in this story, which, through the author’s skills, is somehow interwoven, with an essentially hopeful and redemptive tale of courage and strength. It’s evocative and rich with detail and you can really feel yourself becoming drawn into the very different landscape which at times can seem as beautiful as it is horrific. “The rebels had launched themselves with astonishing speed and ferocity in an arc of devastation that cut between where Jensen was in Maboso and where he wanted to go. They’d come before the rains, when every pundit had declared that a major push would wait until after the wet season. They’d come while the UN dickered, while the Government churned money and power between themselves in a kind of incestuous orgy of incompetence and greed, while the army spent their time in the newly built casino in De’shwali or home on their farms. In two weeks they’d crossed terrain the experts had declared would take them two months to conquer, if at all. They’d had Kalashnikovs and trucks and a scorched earth policy that meant they didn’t have to watch their backs as they went. There was no-one left to defend against.”

Apocalypse: Cancelled by jeyhawk 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 28,000
Authors summary: July 7, 2008 at 2 a.m. in the morning a comet will hit Earth, destroying all human life. Humanity gets 54 hours to prepare and chaos ensues. A chance encounter has straight architect Jared Padalecki saving the life of deeply closeted movie star Jensen Ackles. The unlikely couple cling to each other during what they think will be their last days on earth, but what happens to the relationship they built when the world doesn't end after all?
Comment: This works really well to blend the excitement of the plot with the emotions of the characters and in doing so, leads to a fic that feels well rounded and thoroughly entertaining. The accompanying art by gwentastic is amazing.

Big Damn Anti-Hero by arlad 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1900
Authors summary: Pump Up The Volume AU. Jensen is a dirty-mouthed undercover podcaster by night and a shy friendless loner by day. Jared is the quirky cool kid who discovers his secret.
Comment: Small but perfectly formed. Shy!Jensen is adorable.

Close to Home by smidirini 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 48,000
Authors summary: Jared Padalecki is a Journalist and Jensen Ackles is a homicide detective with a serial murder investigation on his hands. The murders bear a striking resemblance to the case that tore their relationship apart five years ago. Could this new investigation be the catalyst they needed to reconnect?
Comment: Satisfying crime fic that, like any good mystery, makes you suspect anyone and everyone and keeps you guessing right ‘till the end. I really enjoyed the dynamics between the boys where you had the overlap of experience from an established relationship with all the newness that comes from knowing someone for the first time.

Counting the Steps to the Door of Your Heart by annella 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 44,500
Authors summary: Jensen's life isn't perfect, but he's happy enough. He has friends (well, one friend and one roommate), a prospective career (if he can pass this stupid, stupid test which requires him to be able to talk to people), a sex life of sorts (with guys who are total jerkfaces and think Jensen is a dork, which is actually true), and a life-size Dalek costume with a voice modulator which lets him EXTERMINATE things (like the toaster). Then, out of nowhere, he also has Jared (gorgeous, wonderful, socially retarded, and already taken), and his life turns upside down in the blink of an eye. For the first time, Jensen has found what he wants, but how is he going to get it?
Comment: I read this whole thing with the biggest smile on my face. It’s funny, adorable and enthralling and I love it like geek!Jensen loves timelords. And for the record, hearing Jared and Jensen argue and drool over Stargate Atlantis is my fictional happy place. “Jensen keeps his Dalek costume in the corner of his room, next to the computer desk. He tells people it's there because it doesn't fit in his closet, or because the arms are useful for hanging stuff on, but the real reason is to test people out. He's still waiting for someone to see it and say, 'Cool, a Dalek costume!' instead of, 'what the hell is that?' but he's sure it will happen eventually. It's a truly awesome costume. Jensen had to have it custom-made, because most Dalek costumes are either completely lame or only available in children's sizes. But it was totally worth the extra expense, and it even has a voice modulator inside it so he can say EXTERMINATE with that awesome Dalek reverb.”

Dissonance by surevesta 
Word count: 71,869
Authors summary: The world of High School through the eyes of violist Jensen Ackles. Life is just notes on a page, waiting to be read and interpreted.
Comment: Genuinely sweet. This is a gentle story of two boys finding each other and everything being okay.

East of the Sun and West of the Moon by laulan 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 31,000
Authors summary: A practical carpenter, Jensen doesn’t believe in magic or fairytales--but when a messenger appears from thin air looking for him, he finds himself drawn into a quest to rescue a man he has no memory of, who just happens to be trapped in a place no one knows how to get to. No pressure, right? Set in modern times with fantasy elements.
Comment: A really interesting premise crafted into a great story

Gunshy by setissma 
Rating: R
Word count: 36,000
Comment: An AU loosely based on the TV show Bones with Jensen as the socially stunted forensic anthropologist and Jared as the more outgoing FBI guy. This really had me hooked, in terms of both the plot and all the developing character relationships, and the crime they are investigating is authentically creepy. .

Happy Little Trees by berrylicious877 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 19,000
Authors summary: Jensen is unemployed and spends his days watching tv. He finds a show called Painting with Jared and becomes obsessed.
Comment: This is the kind of fic that you leave with a smile on your face. It’s authentically sweet and warm, but there’s a real sense of humour in there too. The idea of Jared painting ‘happy trees’ is the best thing ever. “Jensen quickly checked the program guide to see if he had stumbled upon some unknown porn station. Huh, he thought, reading the station description. Not porn...public access. Well, he could support local programming. And incredibly hot guys. So, he settled in to watch Painting with Jared.”

In Harm's Way by gatorgrrl 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 85,000
Authors summary: Jared Padalecki is living a quiet life in San Antonio until one day he is snatched off the street by two men. Enter Tom Delaney, CIA spy. Only that's not his real name. His real name is Jensen Ackles, and he needs Jared's help. Jensen and his team have been tracking a man named Alain Laurent, a terrorist disguised as a legitimate businessman. Only, they haven't been able to get close enough to him to gather any useful intelligence. They know that Laurent and his partner, Rafiq Abdul-Aziz, are planning something big -- and possibly explosive. They just don't know what and they don't know when. But they know that time is running out. That's where Jared comes in. With a little manipulation, Jensen convinces Jared to help. To use himself as bait to lure Laurent into revealing his secrets. But nothing is ever that simple. As Jensen and Jared become more than just professional colleagues, the stakes become even higher. And when their mission takes an unexpected turn, Jensen must decide between love and duty, with devastating consequences.
Comment: A really great ride that is just so well constructed. The story that had me intrigued from the start and it never stopped being exciting. “Because when he stepped out of the restaurant fifteen minutes later, the two men were back, flanking him once again as he waited to cross Washington Street to get to the bus stop. And when he felt one hand on each elbow, holding him with a solid grip, he knew this wasn’t just his imagination playing tricks on him.”

In retrospect (I’d rather have been a poet. Or a farmer) by jasmasson 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 23,000
Authors summary: “It’s in the car,” Jared said, slightly sheepishly.
Jensen’s look spoke volumes.
“What? It was just an errand.” Jared said, shrugging. “You shouldn’t need automatic weapons just to go to the bank. And anyway. You always do the shooting. I do the talking. The planning. The charming.”
Jensen snorted indelicately. “Thank you, 007.”
Comment: Jensen, Jared’s law enforcement partner, is a man with a history that may just affect their future in this thriller. The plot is so fast paced and exciting (just like a good movie) and I love how we get enough information to know the characters and the universe without drowning the reader in back-story. It really is the perfect blend. And, I've got to add, that the author has a really great way of writing dialogue that can be funny as hell but still feels real.

Ineffable by dark_reaction 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 18,753
Authors summary: Jared and Jensen are angels in God's army who can't stand each other. During some supposedly restful downtime, it comes to the attention of someone very important.
Comment: Vivid word-building creates a rich and layered fic that’s unlike anything I’ve read before. It’s hard but worth it, if that makes sense.

Just Like This and Still Just Like This by breea1 
Rating: R
Authors summary: Jared's young, free and single - and finds when Jensen Ackles and his three devil children move in next door that he doesn't want to be. Jensen just wants to be left alone and find some peace.
Comment: Any kid!fic with hell spawn I don’t hate is always off to a good start. I loved the shifting dynamics between all the characters and how we got to watch for glimpses of Jensen's story through Jared. Protective!Chris is as cool as you’d expect but it was actually a non-arsey Chad that stole this one for me.

Know Your Damn Constituents by bekkis 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 28,000
Authors summary: Jensen Ackles was a rising star in politics when he suddenly picked up and left D.C. to work back home in the private sector. He swore he was done with politics. But when his ex shows up with the perfect opportunity, Jensen finds he's not ready to give up on politics after all. A dream candidate and the chance to gain back his reputation, Jensen's ready to get back into the game. Except Jensen has to convince Jared Padalecki, his old political rival, that he's right for the job, and Jared is the last person Jensen can go to for a favor.
Comment: A Democrat-centric political fic that really managed to capture the excitement I felt during the actual US election in 08, this had me completely wrapped up and involved. Make sure to check out the timestamp fics linked on the masterpost. “Jensen comes from a long line of Texan politicians who probably never had to deal with someone like Jared. If Jensen’s father ever had to spend the day with Jared, his father would probably stop giving Jensen the stink eye and a long speech about public service whenever Jensen complains.”

Let Us In! by standing_fic 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 37,6000
Authors summary: Jensen is a counselor for a mental health outreach program and has to teach rookie Jared the ropes. He sets Jared up with the happy task of trying to separate crazy staff (Mike Rosenbaum, Alona Tal, Danneel Harris, Kristen Bell, Katie Cassidy, Chris Kane, Misha Collins) from actual Crazy, and both staff and clients are more than willing to accept him as their own. Once Jared sees what the program is all about, though, he gets his own idea on what he’s supposed to be doing. Unfortunately for Jensen - and the rest of the staff - it might put more than just their jobs on the line.
Comment: This is stylised in a good way. I loved how off-kilter and (almost) frenzied Jensen's point of view narrative is, mimicking his state of mind and reflecting those of his patients. All the other characters feel fully fleshed out too, from the recognisable CW people to the OC patients, enhancing the impact of the piece. It kind of makes you feel that you know how it is to work there. “The office is home, in a way that is uncomfortable for Jensen to admit to anyone. He has a certain attachment to the feel of his key sliding in the front door, of hearing the screen door hit behind him, of flipping on a light and stepping inside. When he’s alone, it cues a deep sigh that is both embarrassing and soul-settling.”

Live & On Stage by allamboy 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 22,850
Authors summary: It’s Summer Tour 2009 for Jared Padalecki and the rest of the Mickey Mouse Club. They’re opening for Disney boy band sensation 5X Everything, and when Jared gets to know “shy one” Jensen Ackles it just might be love.
Comment: Fun and cute. Interspersing the story with tween fangirl reactions, that seemed all to accurate, was a great idea and shamefully reminded me of my youth.

Look Beyond What You See to Find the Truth Behind the Lies by ladyrhyanne 
Rating: R
Word count: 31,169
Authors summary: When Jared Padalecki joined the FBI he never dreamed that he would end up partnered with his ex-boyfriend Jensen Ackles, nor did he think that in under a year Jensen would be accused of murdering his common-law husband of four years. The hardest part to accept is that the evidence is stacking up against Jensen and with ten years of silence between them, Jared's not sure what or who to believe.
Comment: Twisty thriller that I really enjoyed. I don’t want to say anymore in case I accidentally give something away.

Look What We've Got! (A Fairy Tale Plot) by kelleigh 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 5800.
Authors summary: As far as fairies go, Jensen's pretty elitist and a bit of a show-off. Where mortals are concerned, Jared's got a big heart and the best sense of humor. He'll need them both to deal with everything Jensen throws his way.
Comment: Warm-fuzzy kind of fic that’s sweet and enchanting, with a healthy dose of funny.

Lost and Found by mediaville 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 47,000
Authors summary: Jensen Ackles is a shy, overweight songwriter whose body issues have prevented him from forming any real personal connections, and at thirty, he’s still unsure of his sexuality, and still a virgin. But when he signs up for an experimental obesity research program, he meets Jared Padalecki, a stunningly sexy fitness guru who slowly but surely changes Jensen’s life.
Comment: This is one of those stories that everyone is going to have a very different and very personal reaction to. Mine was that I loved it. For me, this was a story about Jensen needing to love himself no matter what, because Jared already did. The writing is top-notch. The author manages to tie angst and humour and pride and shame, and a whole host of other contradictions, so well together that you really feel like you’re reading something fully-formed and whole. It’s very satisfying. “They don’t mean to hurt him or judge him. They love him, he knows it. They just want better for him, and it’s impossible to forget that when he sees them face to face. So Jensen’s made excuses to get out of birthday dinners, family picnics, even holidays. He keeps up with everyone via email and the occasional phone call. It’s just easier that way.”

Morgan’s Free Rangers: A Tale of Courage and Daring in the Tayasha Badlands by calamitycrow 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 30,000
Authors summary: It’s 1854. Jared, an Easterner, goes west and meets a handsome Ranger named Jensen. You know, typical western romance. Honestly.
Comment: Loved the feel of this. The author paints a vivid picture of a very different America, aided by techniques of linguistic borrowing and the smooshing of different cultures, which is fully enhanced by the collaboration with artist
wede_fic . You instantly become immersed in this strange world they created and it’s a joy to read. Also the idea that married men become wives hit my fic kink button hard.

Nothing But Black by telete 
Authors summary: Sex-club-worker!Jared gives nervous-customer!Jensen what he needs.
Comment: BDSM plus romance equals delectable.

Public Masks and Private Battles by cala_jane 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: PG13
Authors summary: When the slavery system was introduced as a way to relief the overcrowded prisons, Jensen didn't hesitate to join the Rebellion that was already fighting against the Empire. Years later he was found out, he was sentenced to spend his life as a slave. From that moment, his life was a constant war, with battles he knew he had to win. After he's bought by Gerald Padalecki, to protect his youngest son, all those battles are limited to three most important ones. First: Keep Jared Padalecki alive. Second: Earn freedom by keeping Jared Padalecki alive. And third: Keep his feelings in check while keeping Jared Padalecki alive. Jensen soon realizes he might be able to win only one of those battles.
Comment: I really like that this is a not too harrowing slave!fic. Sure, there’s angst, but there’s also a sweetness to this that really does make you feel hopeful.

Say You're Mine by belyste 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 56,600
Authors summary: It takes his two best friends getting engaged to make Jared realize what’s missing in his own life, but once he figures it out, he’s a man on a mission: find true love or die trying. He’s not asking for much - just the perfect soul mate to spend blissful eternity with - so when a chance meeting drops Jensen into his life (and his lap), it seems like fate.But either Jensen missed that memo or fate seems to have other ideas, because nothing works out the way Jared planned. Based loosely on S1 of How I Met Your Mother, but you don't need to have seen that to know what's going on.
Comment: Wonderful tale that has the perfect blend of humour and emotions. It’s a real roller-coaster of a story, the little mishaps, misunderstandings and mistakes mean that Jared and Jensen really have to earn their happy ending and it’s a whole boatload of fun watching them do that. It really pulls you in and makes you root for them. “Because Jared dates and everything. He’s had girlfriends (in high school, when he was still kind of clueless) and boyfriends (in college, when the proverbial light bulb finally came on) and everything in between - friends, friends with benefits, one-night-stands, two-week flings, unrequited love, unrequited lust, drunken hook-ups, mistakes and missed opportunities - the works. He just hasn’t found that one person that puts an end to it. That person that makes him say, “Finally,” the one that means he’s stopped wandering and finally arrived.”

She's A Handsome Woman by hkath 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 30,200
Authors summary: Jensen Ackles is a talented actor with a reputation for being difficult. When his friend Danneel is passed over for a role on a soap opera, he cross-dresses, auditions for the part - and gets it. As Jennifer Albee, he's got to deal with a jackass director and ridiculous plotlines, not to mention his blossoming friendship with actor Jared Padalecki, a single dad with a few surprises of his own. Basically a J2 retelling of Tootsie.
Comment: This is made of happy. Everything, from Jensen’s method cat acting to daddy Jared to Misha’s lamb-chop puppet to Chad’s insta-proposal, works in service of making this as pleasurable as humanly possible. “Jensen Ackles is one hell of an actor. He's done it all: Greek tragedy, mime, Brecht, Shaw, O'Neill, Ibsen, Beckett, Williams, Pinter. He spent a season in the Berkshires, where his turn as Hickey in The Iceman Cometh was lauded by critics as “patently disturbing” and “fervently unpleasant”, and his performance as Horatio for Shakespeare In The Park's Hamlet was specifically mentioned as a highlight by over a dozen reputable publications. Which is why it's a little perplexing when he drops by his agent's office and Rick tells him he's basically unemployable.”

Smoking Wichester by immovinout 
Written for spn_challenges 
Rating: R
Authors summary: It only takes a life threatening adventure for Jensen to realize he's in love with his drug dealer.
Comment: A pleasurable and amusing J2 remake of Pineapple Express.

Spotted the One for Me by laulan 
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: R
Word count: 12,400
Summary: Jared didn't come to London expecting to fall in love, but somewhere in between getting pushed into a pond and naming fifteen puppies, that's exactly what happened. Essentially 101 Dalmatians from the human side of things.
Comment: Put J2 together with a whole heap of puppies and you can be pretty sure you’re in for an adorable time. This is all kinds of cute.

Stained Glass Masquerade by splashpink 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 42,000
Authors summary: When his life takes a turn for the worse, the offer of a job with the exclusive Mayfair Group seems like a sign that the fates are finally finding in Jared’s favor. In return for an impressive paycheck, all he is required to do is look after Charlie, who, when not Imprinted with serial killers (or serial daters) happens to be the most likable guy in the world. It’s perfectly easy to ignore the darker aspects of his job, that is until Charlie is Imprinted with his own personality and the line between reality and illusion is eradicated from the equation. Dollhouse AU.
Comment: A fantastic mindfuck of a story. Ambiguity and moral grey areas are front and centre in this and the feelings you’re left with after reading are as intriguingly disconcerting as when watching the good episodes of the show.

Start All Over by indigo_blind 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: PG
Word count: 26,000
Authors summary: It's the start of Jared Padalecki's senior year and he's bracing himself for a year just like all those before, but then school IT boy Jensen Ackles returns from his mysterious year long absence and things start to get a little bit more interesting, particularly when Jensen starts to take an interest in Jared. Just what does upper class Jensen want with scholarship Jared and how will they take their budding friendship to the next step. (Loosely, and I mean loosely, based upon Gossip Girl.)
Comment: This is a warm-hearted and almost innocent story where Jared and Jensen’s relationship is slowly developed in a way that feels right for kids just on the brink of heading out for college and life as an adult. Danneel is particularly awesome as the misunderstood head-bitch.

Talking Points by winterlive 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 24,400
Authors summary: Texas state senator Jensen Ackles (D-16) is a dyed-in-the-wool idealist, a squeaky-clean boy scout, and a notorious press-dodger. His star is on the rise, and it's worth a career to get the scoop on him. The L.A. Times' star reporter Jared Padalecki might just make it to the Washington Post before his 30th birthday, if he can get the story - he'll have to go undercover and join Jensen's team. But it isn't long before the lie starts to feel like a betrayal, and Jared never expected to like his subject as much as he does.
Comment: This has a real West Wing vibe to it with all the fast paced, quick and snappy dialogue and that is no bad thing. It’s enjoyable to read a fic where everyone is just damn smart and good at what they do.

Terraform by gilascave 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 23,000
Authors summary: Jensen works for the Terraformation Department, monitoring a planet almost ready for settlement. Jared is a bartender new to the station, who decides to make Jensen his own personal project. Will he succeed, or is Jared hiding a more sinister purpose? And with Jensen's own secrets to hide, will it ultimately matter?
Comment: I loved this strange and wonderful story. The author has impressive word-building skills that allows you to really get emotionally invested in Jensen’s point of view and be there every step of the way with him. It’s kind of beautiful. “None of it mattered to Jensen. He wasn't going down to the planet; wouldn't be settling down. His job would be over and he would move on to another station orbiting another once-dead world to monitor the next terraforming project on the Department's list. That was how he preferred it; he wasn't even planning to attend the planet's opening "Welcome Home" ceremony.”

The Case of Jared Tristan Padalecki by smoothbelgian 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC13
Word count: 22,500
Authors summary: Jared Tristan Padalecki, a young cook who up till recently worked in the renowned restaurant Jensen Ross, and his guardian angel Gabriel have to appear before the angel’s court to testify in a case that will determine the fate of both Jared’s soul and Gabriel’s angelic status. Soon enough it becomes clear that Gabriel overstepped his bounds as Jared’s guardian and changed the conditions of Jared’s life. Three of his seemingly insignificant manipulations have led to a crime Jared now has to answer for: Gerald Padalecki’s promise to his son, the meeting of Sandy and Jared, and the discovery of Jensen’s betrayal. Will Gabriel be able to protect Jared from an eternity of torture at the hands of Abizou, his demon nemesis?
Comment: Told from Gabriel’s point of view, this was really interesting.

The Chapterhouse by essene with allegraconbrio 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 36,212
Authors summary: Ever since Jared Padalecki's home and village were saved from the advancing enemy Hordes when he was a child, he has dreamed of joining the Bevian Order of the Knighthood. His dream comes true when he is granted admission to the training academy for the Knighthood. He is suddenly thrust into a world where everything is unfamiliar, the customs are strange, formal and uncomfortable and the only familiar face is his somewhat immature childhood friend and fellow postulant, Chad Murray. The head of the academy, Preceptor Morgan, assigns Jensen Ackles to be his Pedagogue and partner in training. The beginning days of their partnership are rough, and Jared sometimes believes that perhaps he is not suited for the Knighthood after all. Slowly, a mutual bond develops as Jensen trains Jared in the mystical and magical ways of the Knighthood, but the physical intimacy which is intrinsic in the partnerships between mentor and student is intensely uncomfortable for Jared. As he eventually begins to trust Jensen as more than just a teacher, there is a crisis at the Academy. A mystical artifact of great power has been stolen from the sacred vault. Jensen believes he knows who did it and thus begins an epic confrontation between Jensen and Jared and two people that Jared is shocked to discover as the perpetrators of the crime. Will Jensen and Jared recover the artifact? Will they survive the confrontation? Most importantly, will they allow themselves to become true partners in the Knighthood in every sense of the word?
Comment: I got really immersed in this, fascinated by the rules of the society that tied into the physicality of their fighting style. It’s a well thought out world and the internal coherency shines through. The author does a great job in showing the boys accepting their roles as teacher and student to start with and then maybe on to something more.

The Mostly True and Only Somewhat Exaggerated Adventures of Fanboi and Fruitfly by phaballa 
Authors summary: Jared was a teenaged fanboi of epic proportions.
Comment: Insanely fabulous. Jensen is a pop star and Jared is hid biggest supergay fanboi ever.

The New Frank and Gerard by crackedbuthappy 
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 9750
Authors summary: Jared, Jensen, Mike and Tom play in an emo band. Jensen is the hot, mute guitarist. Jared is the flamboyantly gay bass player. Mike is the bitchy, Harvard graduate turned lead singer. And Tom - well, Tom drums and definitely probably has VD.
Comment: I didn’t get any of the bandom references in this, but still managed to adore it. It’s an absolute blast. “And Jensen. Jensen who was probably the hottest thing Jared had ever seen in tight, leather pants, black eyeliner, and blue and blonde hair. But Jensen was Mike…except you know, Jared wanted to fuck Jensen. A lot. The thought of fucking Mike made him a little sick. On stage, Jensen was liquid sex. Thrusts against his guitar, licking up the neck, never ever wore a shirt. Off stage, he was mute. Okay, not really. But, in the three months since Jensen joined the band, he spoke directly to Jared three times. Once was, “Please pass the ketchup.” Not that Jared was counting, not at all.”

The Silver Ring by cormallen 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 25,500
Authors summary: Everyone knows that nothing ever happens in quaint, sleepy New Exeter, but to hear Jared Padalecki tell it, the town's rife with adventure, from a fairy princess searching for her true love to neighboring mice redrawing the borders and engaging in mortal combat. Of course, everyone, from his parents to the mayor, also knows that Jared's been making up stories ever since he learned his ABCs, and his friends, the eccentric owners of The Amber Moon Magic Shoppe, only encourage him. So when Sandy and Jeff give Jared a magic ring, it doesn't mean an enchanted prince will be arriving to claim it. Or does it?
Comment: This was really delightful. I loved the magical fairy tale feel and that I really had no clue how things would unfold, the pacing of the mystery worked perfectly. I’ve got to give a special shout out to the mice that have become my default heroes for the story. So much love for them.

They Stumble That Run Fast by crackedbuthappy 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 27,400
Authors summary: This is what happened to Jared Padalecki when he mixed a little Cyrano with a little Shakespeare and fell ass over feet in love with, Jensen, his Shakespeare tutor…who may have been in love with someone else.
Comment: The funny and the sweet and the angst and the Misha, all combine perfectly into this fantastic story. The use of Shakespeare quotes fits seamlessly and in a way where the smartness feels perfectly attuned to the characters and in furtherance of the plot.

Three Grams by frostian 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 37,000
Authors summary: Jared Padalecki’s closest friend is Jensen, a hybrid doll he rescued as a child. As they grow up, Jensen takes on the role of tutor and mentor, preparing Jared for the arduous task of entering a prestigious tech in order to continue his father’s tremendous legacy. But the greatest lesson is one that can only be learned, not taught, as Jared realizes that just because a creature isn't made of flesh and blood does not mean it can't have a soul.
Comment: Great word-building sets up this fantastic sci-fi AU that despite its different worlds and new technologies is a simple story of the possibilities of people and the impact they can have on each other. Moving without being maudlin, this is also funny and smart and keeps you involved and attached all the way through. I like that it doesn’t start where you think it’s going to but ends exactly where you hope it will. “Jared studied the boy. He was pretty non-descript as boys go: sandy hair, green-blue eyes, pale for a Graian which made Jared wonder if the kid was a visitor and not a native.”

To Teach the Human Heart the Knowledge of Itself by apreludetoanend 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: R
Word count: 45,068
Authors summary: Every spring, while thousands of other college and grad students flock to sunny beaches or head home to do laundry, Jensen gives his time to a performing arts group which aims to raise money and arts awareness in school aged children. Each year, the group spends spring break together on a different deserted college campus rehearsing and performing a play, letting local schools observe both the process and the final product, and raising money and encouraging participation in the arts in the local community. Jensen's about to finish grad school; this is his seventh and final year with the program, and performing the lead role opposite his best friend Chris might just be the highlight of his year-that is, until he arrives to find Chris missing in action, and some guy named Jared taking his place. With only a week to put the play together, Jensen knows he can't afford to waste his time and energy hating Jared, but after a rough start, he's surprised to find that Jared's arrival isn't so much ruining his week as making it better than he ever thought it could be.
Comment: This feels so genuinely warm and sweet and is an absolute pleasure to read. The relationships between all the characters feel so real and serve the story well as the backdrop to Jared and Jensen’s growing romance. The 1980’s movie dialogue conversation between Jensen and Chris may just be one of my favourite fic moments ever.

Topspin by lazy_daze 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 50,000
Authors summary: Defending Wimbledon champion and world No. 1 tennis player Jensen Ackles is determined to hang on to his title, no matter how good Jared Padalecki, rising star on the tennis scene, thinks he is. With Padalecki's new reckless style, explosive power and natural grace pitted against Jensen's own beautifully strategic, strong and watertight game - all that's for sure is that this is going to be one Wimbledon final match not to be missed. With a media-painted rivalry turning into a mutual dislike that's almost as explosive as the badly-hidden attraction sparking in the air, there's more than a tennis ball flying between them. When tension explodes into more, and more becomes again and again, how will this unexpected connection affect them, their games, their careers? Will they be able to put aside everything that's against them and make something real out of what was never meant to happen in the first place? And as emotions get stronger and the competitions fiercer and Wimbledon's upon them again, history will repeat; and under the English July sun, new history will be made.
Comment: The build up of tension and confused feelings in this, combined with the volleying point of view that works to match the back and forth of the game itself, make this fly-by as you read because it’s so entertaining.

We're Not in Kansas Anymore by lotrabc 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 30,809
Authors summary: AU. Adaptation of the HBO drama, "Oz.". For seven months, Jensen Ackles, a once successful, young attorney, has been a prisoner at the Oswald State Correctional Facility. In that time, he thought the man he once was had disappeared forever. But when he gets a new cellmate named Jared Padalecki, he finds he had no idea just how deep the hole goes in the land of Oz.
Comment: Disturbing in the best kind of way. Reading it was entertaining but also hard, gritty and, at times, uncomfortable. Which is perfect for the setting. “Whatever that innocent smile might be hiding, a few things are undeniable about Jared Padalecki: He’s insane, he knows how to handle himself and he’s earned a spot on the Aryans’ shit list.”

With You Under A Cold, Bright Sky by arabia764 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 120,000
Authors summary: At seventeen, Jensen thought he knew what his future would be; a life spent in the circus, and so he didn't see much point in attending a sports camp for gifted athletes. Until he met a brilliant young gymnast called Jared. Together, all their hopes and dreams were just within reach when one split second of carelessness shattered everything, tearing them apart for years. Back together as grown men, they try to create a new future, with new dreams, on a cold mountainside on the other side of the world.
Comment: Epic and amazingly crafted tale. I was unsure at first about how the setting and the characters being British might effect things, but by about three sentences in I was so engrossed in the tale that it didn’t matter and there were enough ‘fandom notes’ still in place to make Jared and Jensen recognisable. Most importantly, they were coherent and believable within the world created. For the plot itself, I loved how in the first part, when things were perfect, there was a brewing sense of foreboding & then how in the second part, when things were wrong, there was a feeling of optimism - the symmetry works really well. In fact, the whole thing works well as an emotional and engrossing love story.


The Texas Resistance by pigeongirl99 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 20,913
Authors summary: In occupied Texas you can fight back or just fight to survive. The Texas Resistance provides an opportunity for those brave or stupid enough to want to free Texas from its oppressors. Jeff, Jared, and Jensen have all chosen different routes within the Resistance movement. They all fight and struggle in their own ways, and maybe they can all find each other in the end.
Comment: This was so textured and rich with detail that I really did feel I was part of that arid and battered landscape that’s almost a main character in the story. And it almost matches the Jensen here; beautiful but brittle, strong but in a state of disrepair.
The characterisations and the slow reveals really draw you in & keep you engrossed and the lyrical quality of the writing only adds to the atmosphere of the piece.



Palace Of the Brine by memphis86 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Go read The Seahorse, take a deep breath, and read The Fertile Crescent. Then, proceed with this.

Seeing Daylight by drvsilla 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Directly follows Into His Hand.

tell them we’re like magnets by mournthewicked 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Fifth instalment in the reinventing love ‘verse.

We Clean Up and Now It's Time to Learn by beckaandzac 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
This is a sequel to Dirt on Our Uniforms, and will be awesomer if you read that first.


Meadows of Heaven by epeeblade 
Written for spn_j2_bigbang 
Although this story can stand alone, it is part of the Sex Corps series of fic. If you are interested, please check the Sex Corps Verse Master Post. This takes place immediately after " Seven Days to the Wolves."

I’ll add the AU, getting together & illness and injury recs to the updated master-posts. The rest will have to wait until those are in the new improved format too.

j2 au, j3, j2, jdm

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