way more j2 fic recs then i expected when i started this post

Jun 04, 2009 17:19

Huh. Seems like I haven't recced any new fic in ages. Which is sad because there's been so much good stuff (that you've probably already read) that this turned into a bit of a monster list. I'll add the AUs and first times into the new main lists over the weekend. The rest will just have to wait until later because my attention span is small and it will be big bang soon :)


Better Things by bittersplendor 
Rating: R
Word count: 1700
Authors summary: Jared lived on hand-me-downs until he was old enough to buy clothes for himself. There are things Jared will settle for.
Comment: For a relatively short fic, this manages to express a hell of a lot thanks to its evocative and expressive writing.

Got A Life From Life On TV by chash 
Word count: 1500
Authors summary: So it's been a shitty year.
Comment: This is an adorable and happy story where Jensen’s suggestion of moving out means that Jared needs to get on the clue-bus, fast, if he wants to keep what he’s got. Both boys are so loveable here. “It's not like Jared thought they'd live together forever. But the total, honest, straight-out truth of it is that he likes having Jensen around, and he's gotten used to it. Jared has always been the kind of person who likes other people, but he knows there are plenty he couldn't live with. He and Chad, for example, once shared a hotel room for a week, and by mutual agreement they're never inhabiting the same space alone for more than eight hours straight ever again.”

Have a Nice Day by stellamira 
Rating: R
Word count: 3050
Authors summary: Jared declares an ice cream day, Jensen is slightly obsessed with chocolate, and the dogs get bathed. What the boys do when they get a week off.
Comment: Funny and cute. The boys are somehow both comical and realistic and it’s a joy to read about them indulging in all manner of things.

I Might Fall In Love With You But I'm Not Sure [So I'll Drop To My Knees] by affectingly 
Written for spn_holidays 
Ratings: NC17
Word count: 2920
Authors summary: The title rather says it all.
Comment: Any fic that has Jared trying to wash tequila out of his nose is going to be alright with me. This is fast-paced and full of energy and rounded out nicely with a healthy serving of porn.

Nothing Says I Love You Like A Joint Checking Account by jeyhawk 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 5000
Authors summary: Jensen looks at houses and Jared plans a game room, or does he?
Comment: This is such an endearing tale, with a deft touch of humour to go along with its romantic nature. You end up really rooting for Jensen and hoping that he’ll be allowed to get what he wants. “The second place is in need of renovations, but it's nothing a handy man can't fix, if you believe Kathy. Jensen isn't a handy man. He's so not handy that Jared didn't even trust him to hang posters on the walls of his temporary bedroom. Just because he was holding a tube of superglue at the time, it doesn't mean he was going to use it. Seriously, who uses superglue to hang posters on the wall? Not Jensen, that's who.”

Only you (Is this a story we’ll tell the grandkids?) by frayen 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1899
Authors summary: Jensen wasn’t speaking to him and Jared couldn’t figure out why. Well, ok maybe he could, but they had talked about it and they were cool, everything was supposed to be cool. Or maybe that conversation had just happened in Jared’s head.
Comment: Tom and Mike almost steal the show in this sweet story, but Jared and Jensen grab the attention back with their shifting POVs, cluelessness and last minute gestures.

Physical (You’re So) by elanorelle 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 3918
Authors summary: Jensen is a manly guy. So is Jared. Question is, who's going to come out on top?
Comment: Jensen attempts to not bottom for Jared in this highly entertaining and fun read. “It's obvious, he thinks, or it should be: Jensen Ackles is a manly guy, in all aspects of his life. He chugs his beer, and he drives a truck, and he likes sports; he's tall and well-built and he works out (well, sometimes; not as much as Jared, admittedly, but then he's pretty sure nobody except perhaps some Olympic athlete with a masochistic streak would work out as much as Jared), and he certainly knows how to show his partner a good time, manfully.”

Simple Pleasures by destina 
Word count: 2880
Authors summary: Jensen loves Jared's bed.
Comment: The lazy intimacy between the boys turns into something much hotter, while still keeping that sense of comfortable domesticity. I love stories like this, where the atmosphere shapes the tone and writing to create something that you can really sense.

Size Matters by annella 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 1900
Authors summary: Jensen's a size queen with a liking for Jared. Jared's a well-endowed guy with a liking for Jensen's ass. They fight crime! This is PORN.
Comment: Jensen-is-a-cock-slut fic. What’s not to love?

Spick and Span and Spotless by
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1200
Authors summary: Jared wants to do something nice for Jensen. But all he gets are messes.
Comment: Jared being accidentally incompetent around the house while trying to do nice things for Jensen is just the sweetest thing ever.

The Places You Will be From by destina
Rating: PG
Word count: 5203
Authors summary: Jensen moves in on a Friday.
Comment: The build up of tension and yearning between the boys is pretty damn perfect in this. Jared asks Jensen to move in with him and then starts wondering why. “The truth is, it hasn't even occurred to Jared that Jensen would need a bed, and he suddenly feels like the world's biggest ass. Jensen had been sleeping on his couch for years, and that was just how it was. Jensen moving in, though...Jared's still getting used to all the things that are going to be different. Any other guest in his house, he'd have made sure they had a bed, sheets, curtains, the whole deal, but he was so damn glad Jensen had given in on being roommates that it hadn't crossed his mind. "Tomorrow I'll go buy you a bed," he says, but Jensen instantly frowns in that way that tells Jared he's just made a serious mistake.”

Too Think to Drunk Straight by quasianpride 
Rating: PG13-R
Word count: 1862.
Authors summary: Whenever Jensen gets drunk, he bakes. Mike Rosenbaum is a dick. And Jared is just drunk enough to molest Jensen without feeling guilty about it.
Comment: This is very funny. Plus it’s impossible not to adore drunken rambling Jensen.

Woman Like a Man by timewillbe 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 19,200
Authors summary: Jared's a girl, Jensen's sexually confused, Eric's pissed and Chad's a surprisingly good friend.
Comment: Genderswap fic where Jared gets to be the girl. Very enjoyable. I like that there’s hardly any angst but instead it’s vibrant and fun.

You and Me, Sand and Sea
by sometimesophie 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 26,000
Authors summary: After their plane crashes over the ocean, stranding them on an unfamiliar island, Jared and Jensen have to learn to survive - both the island and each other.
Comment: Wonderfully written long fic that manages to convey the sheer physicality of what happens to the boys as well as the emotional impacts. There are moments of reel sadness here but these are deftly combined with lighter interactions, often times provided by surprisingly well drawn out original characters that in a lesser writers hand could read like bad Mary-Sues.


Started Thinking About The Rest Of My Life by
Rating: R
Word count: 5700
Comment: This has such a sparkly and goofy Jared that you can’t not be thoroughly entertained by his attempts to seal the deal with Jensen. “So Jared had this plan, and as far as plans go, it held it’s own against the Real Doll Incident of ’07. And that was a freakin’ spectacular plan if Jared does say so. Anything involving Kripke, 247 toothpicks, silly putty and an inflatable bra was bound to make the history books. But anyways, this was better.”


Met Your Match by annella 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 1600
Authors summary: Jared and Jensen, not touching each other for an entire day? Impossible.
Comment: Stupid bets lead to hot sex. It’s true.

So that's an average day for you then? by atimi 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 11,000
Authors summary: Jared and Jensen find a way to fill their spare time on set. Everyone else places bets.
Comment: I laughed so hard reading this that I did have to actually put down my drink. It’s just that awesome. Everyone shines in this story, from Zen master Misha to in-it-to-win-it Genevieve, and most especially the boys - Jensen is too adorable for words when seen through Jared’s eyes and Jared is just a magnificent goofball. If you haven’t yet read it, you really really should. “Just as the Eskimos had forty different words for snow, Jensen had forty different words for 'Why the hell are you impeding my process of coffee consumption?'
Today's word was "Mnngh." (By 'word', Jared really meant 'random consonants mushed together' but after three weeks of Jared coffee-blocking him, Jensen had yet to come up with the same combination twice, indicating there may possibly have been some method to his non-verbal madness.)”


Jealousy and Zac Efron Don’t Mix. Except When They Do. With Explosive Results by redsbball61 
Rating: R
Word count: 4049
Authors summary: Jared is a Zefron fanboy, and has a huge crush on him. Jensen’s jealous and wants to break something.
Comment: Scheming Jared is always entertaining and its fun watching him annoy the crap out of Jensen with his Efron mancrush.


Too Much of a Good Thing Makes it Better by beckaandzac 
Authors summary: Jared's peen is enormous. And there is a buttplug. (No, really, that's the plot.)
Comment: Ridiculously hot, with sweet little emotional moments hidden within the filthy porn. Especially good for lovers of needy!Jensen and toppy!Jared. “Jensen takes one look at Jared's dick and says, "Wait." And Jared--who thinks Jensen should have known what he was getting into when he had his hand down Sam Winchester’s jeans an hour ago--does not want to wait. Not when he has Jensen's legs hitched up around his waist, the covers all rucked up under them from trying to get undressed while connected at the mouth.”

Um, Beard Porn by jadedpen 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 1200
Authors summary: Jared grows a beard. Really, that's pretty much it.
Comment: Jensen reaps the benefit of Jared’s on hiatus hobo look.


Just One Breath by kkgee  (shot)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 56,000
Authors summary: Following a horrific event during filming, Jensen’s life hangs in the balance and Jared discovers what is truly important.
Comment: Emotionally involving tale of the changes that Jensen taking a bullet for Jared brings.

Lies and Alibis by blueeyedliz  (epilepsy)
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 1321
Comment: Jensen finds out the hard way about Jared’s illness.

Perving On Your Best Friend. Not Cool by
dream___on  (migraine)
Rating: PG
Word count: 3535
Authors summary: Jared is the reason for Jensen’s migraines. Sort of. His own stubbornness contributes too though.
Comment: Super sweet story with hurt!Jensen and protective!Jared. “Jared carried Jensen effortlessly across the set and out onto the parking lot, the look on his face alone enough to keep anyone from stopping them and asking questions. He kept his head tilted toward Jensen, offering his neck as Jensen’s only defense against the lights on the set and the sunshine outside, and walked slowly so as not to jostle Jensen too much.”

Rise and Fall by
woodsbaile_02  (sunstroke)
Comment: Jensen’s an idiot and Jared is worried in this charming fic.


Great Lengths by
Word count: 5600
Authors summary: This story is about dating! Kind of badly.
Comment: The boys in this are just so perfectly realised, that it draws you straight in from the start. Watching Jared knowing Jensen and his reactions so well is just delightful and the style of writing makes it all seem so effortless and natural. “It finally happens a year after the show ends, with both of them drunk and both of them newly single. Jared's been touching him all night, his hand on Jensen's leg, his back, or his arm; brief but with enough meaning behind it that Jensen starts to realise with a sudden, sharp clarity: this is something that's really going to happen. After all this time, it's going to happen.”

Home Improvement by facetofcathy 
Word count: 13,000
Authors Summary: Jared was a grown-up; he didn't need Jensen to look after him. Not his job. Not his house. Not his damn dogs.
Comment: This is really engaging. I especially liked how it managed to be melancholy without being sad and how what isn’t said is just as important as what is. It’s one of those stories that’s challenging in a good way. “The food bowls were empty, the water dish had nothing but a splash in it, and he was going to kill Jared when the bastard rolled out of bed and faced him. Kibble, water, coffee pot, and he realized he was making an unwarranted assumption. He'd never actually heard Jared come back, and he'd been too drunk to be driving when he had driven off, but Jensen hadn't tried to stop him. Guys who were throwing large pieces of furniture at the walls could do whatever the hell they wanted. Jared was a grown-up; he didn't need Jensen to look after him. Not his job. Not his house. Not his damn dogs.”

I Fought the Battle of Trinidad and Tobago by chash 
Rating: R
Word Count: 7800
Authors summary: Supernatural ended, Jensen Ackles got married, and Jared Padalecki went to college. The marriage didn't stick, but the college did.
Comment: An almost angst-free future fic with a happy ending and great writing. What more could you require?

Shake The Leaves Off The Trees by
Word count: 12,500
Comment: Lovely slow-build of a story where the boys finally realise it’s the right time for them to start to work towards each other.


(And) Sleeping Beauty (Hit the Snooze Button) by splashpink 
Rating: R
Authors summary: Jared’s no knight in shining armor, but that’s alright, because Jensen makes a terrible damsel in distress.
Comment: This is crack!fic in the very best sense. A 21st century updating of Sleeping Beauty including fairies Steve and Chris, engineering champion Chad, grumpy princess Jensen and pledge Jared.

At My Feet, Eternity… by tabaqui 
Written for j2_everafter 
Authors summary: It's a fic that is - as per comm rules - based on a Disney movie. In this case, 'Swiss Family Robinson', though it's a bit more on the 'book' side than the 'movie' side.
Comment: This moved me. It’s poetic without being obscure, so even while you think about how gorgeous the writing is, it doesn’t take you out of the story. “"Magpie," Jared said, and then his eyes went wide as he obviously remembered something - words, an idea - that he had forgotten. "You ch...chatter like a magpie.””

Can’t Take The Sky Away From Me by pekover  and leodragon1 
Authors summary: Summary: Dragons and their riders have always protected the land, but they have also been used for destruction and war. Can Jensen and Jared's love overcome everything that keeps them apart, and can they find a way to keep another apocalyptic dragon war from occurring?
Comment: I was genuinely and happily surprised by this series. I’d honestly thought that dragon fics weren’t really for me and I’m glad I took the chance and proved myself wrong. Besides, it doesn’t matter that it features mythical beasts (which I grew to love anyway, as here they’re just as real a character as any of the human folk) because really its about two boys who meet, fall in love and have to overcome many obstacles before they can be together. Very enjoyable.

Food Porn by unreckless 
Rating: R
Word count: ~50,000
Authors summary: Jensen’s a neurotic sous chef and his roommate Jared’s a disgruntled chef turned blogger turned author who’s just trying to finish his book. Mostly they call each other names, and then they fall in love. And then they call each other names some more.
Comment: Funny, snarky boys fall in love while surrounded and supported by a funny, snarky cast in this very amusing and entertaining epic. “Jensen is just about the least scary person on earth. The Olsen Twins circa 1992 and fuzzy little golden retriever puppies are scarier, according to his roommate, Jared, (who’s kind of a dick), and Ross (who’s a dick in training). Jensen’s ninety-eight percent sure that Jeff being halfway across the country means that absolutely nobody is going to listen to a goddamn word Jensen says. No matter how many times people tell him not to worry about it he has a panic-induced mini-aneurysm every time he thinks about it.”

Forever Am I by finn21 
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 18,667
Authors summary: For most of his life Jared’s always felt different, like he never quite belonged, never knowing he was immortal. Everything changes when he meets Jensen and his friends after he gets in a bike accident up in the mountains and they take him in. Based very loosely on Disney’s Tuck Everlasting.
Comment: There’s a real feeling of quiet mystery to this piece that really draws you in right from the start. It manages to be haunting without being melancholy and that’s a pretty impressive feat.

Garlic & Butter by frostian 
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: R
Authors summary: Summary: Jared was born with many gifts, but only one will give him the courage to take a stand for himself, and create magic out of the most humblest of things. Adapted from Ratatouille.
Comment: You will need snacks as you read this! The author has a great way of describing things in just the right amount of detail for you to really see it and as so much of this fic is dedicated to food…There is no rat, but what you get instead is a warm and sweet narration of Jared’s journey right up to how he gets his guy. This is compulsively readable.

If You Care To Stay by hkath 
Written for whenboymeetsboy 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 14,000
Summary - Jensen's got a thing for his roommate... he just doesn't know which roommate.
Comment: I loved this. Based on the film The Night We Never Met, it's so funny and sweet and enjoyable. The Chad in this fic just cracked me up, so much oblivious fail, and the idea of putting fastidious little Jensen in a bohemian commune is genius. In fact, all the supporting players are marvellous and do a great job of emphasising the almost uncomplicatedness that is Jared and Jensen. “Monday morning, Jensen wanders into the kitchen and pours himself a cup of coffee. He leaves it on the table and ventures over the sleeping bodies littering the living room floor to fetch the paper. When he gets back, there are two naked girls having sex right on the tabletop, next to his steaming Optimus Prime mug. So that's kind of a lost cause. “I'm not saying I hate you,” he tells Chris over pancakes at IHOP later. “Just that if I have to live with you for one more second, I'm going to fucking kill myself.””

Keepsake by indysaur 
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: R
Word count: 19,943 .
Authors summary: AU to the max. Based loosely on Disney/Pixar's Wall-E.
Comment: This is really fantastically written, clean and spare but still managing to be lyrical and full of emotion. There are points when it feels just so sad but I like to think the ending is hopeful.

Living Just To Breathe by lostt1 
Written for whenboymeetsboy 
Rating: R
Word count: 22,387
Authors summary: Jared just wants to live his life a little, under his own terms. But as the only child of the US President, that can be a little difficult. Jared sees his European adventure as a chance to let loose, to finally find some room to breathe. And when he meets Jensen on the plane to Paris, he can't help but wonder if freedom, and maybe even a chance at love, is finally within his grasp.
Comment: Entertaining romp of a fic with great characterisations. This is loosely based on the film Chasing Liberty.

Man’s Best Friend by belyste 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 18,000
Authors summary: Jensen gets turned into a dog. Things...happen.
Comment: I never thought I’d say this but, best animal transformation fic ever! “And not just that, he’s also a really little one. Like, tiny. When he steadies himself on four legs, he’s barely taller than the pile his abandoned clothes make on the floor. And when he climbs over them, little claws tapping on the linoleum as he takes inch-long steps toward the full-length mirror in his closet, he discovers he’s also kind of fluffy.”

Melting Under Blue Skies by bimosexual 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 23,733
Authors summary: College!AU. In which Jensen tries hard not to fall for Jared, and is generally sort of an idiot, and Jared hugs a lot.
Comment: This has a really nice slow progression to it that really makes you experience the growing sexual-tension between the boys. Featuring shy!Jensen and confused!Jared.

Never Been Called A Lovely Person by chash 
Rating: R
Word count: 6000
Comment: A Jensen that smokes is pretty much one of my biggest fic kinks and this hits it perfectly. Of course he also swears, parties to hard and is fucks anything that moves. No wonder Jared loves him.

Paved With Hearts by cjmarlow 
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 47,000
Authors summary: Jared Padalecki has been shuffled from home to home for most of his life until one summer he's left with the black sheep of the family, his unsocial Uncle Jeff, up in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. He unexpectedly finds a home and a family there, but when the summer's over he's torn away from it and placed with a family in the city; in return for having a good school to attend to finish his senior year, he's asked to befriend their shut-in son, a young man named Jensen who hasn't had an easy time of it either.
Comment: Such a well-crafted story that gets you engrossed from the start. Loosely based on the Disney adaptation of Heidi, it builds great characterisations around an interesting plot and you really feel what the characters go through. I love that even though Jared’s had it hard in life, he’s still happy and optimistic and it it’s a real pleasure being in his head for the duration of the tale. The story is perfectly rounded out by the supporting players from regretful uncle Jeff to best friend Chad and the whole thing is really gorgeous. “Jared had already lost track of just where they were, the map just a scrawl of meaningless lines. He'd always known he'd been born somewhere up here, in the mountains of British Columbia, but he didn't remember any of it. He'd been a baby when the accident had taken his parents, and not once in all the years since had Aunt Sam brought him back to what had once been his home. Not until now.”

Practically Perfect In Everyway by atimi 
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 13,000
Authors summary: Banker!Jared employs Jensen as a dog-sitter. He then fears for the safety of the world. A J2 version of Mary Poppins
Comment: This is a genuinely feel good fic. Jared’s internal monologue is as charming and sweet as it’s ever been and a Jensen that’s perfect at everything, except maybe deciphering Jaredspeak, is downright adorable. Plus where else are you going to see Chris Kane referred to as a terrifying Oompa Loompa? “Not that he was actively trying to destroy it - Jared struggled to picture Jensen as a maniacal super-villain out to blow up the planet - but he didn't put it past him to do it accidentally. This theory (which Jared had dubbed 'Jensengeddon') revolved around the principle that if there was too much perfect in one place, God, karma, or whatever other force regulated perfection would be unable to deal with it, and so the universe would just give up and implode.

Put That Thing Back Where It Came From (Or So Help Me) by vorpalblades
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 10275
Authors summary: Like practically everyone else in the world, Jared had a point in his life when he was convinced there was a monster living somewhere in his room.
Comment: Inventive, warm-hearted and adorable tale, made as a kind of sequel to the film Monsters Inc. Thanks to being so well written, this is incredibly easy to visualise and adds up to something absolutely enchanting.

Putting My Life On The Brink by
Written for whenboymeetsboy 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 35,700
Comment: Based on the film What Happens In Vegas, this is a perfect example of a j2 romcom. There’s misunderstandings, bickering, sexual tension, bad timing and opposites attracting all over the place and all the while the boys are grudgingly falling in love until they get their happy ending. This really does make you happy. “The guy was tall, on his way to drunk already, wide smile bright in his face. "Well, hello," he said slowly, eyes fixed on Jensen's chest-Jensen glanced down and fought the urge to cross his arms over where his nipples were peaked and visible through his drenched shirt. He set his jaw instead and snapped his fingers in front of the guy's face. "Hey, buddy! You going to apologize? Going to pay for the dry cleaning? Going to-"”

Sometimes you’re overrated, just f.y.i by keepaofthecheez 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 32,000
Authors summary: How things start, how things go, and how things end up.
Comment: This is so much fun. Sex-store worker Jared ends up meeting and falling for porn star Jensen while supported by a kick-ass Danneel, a sex addicted granny and surprise Brock Kelly. There’s a smattering of angst, some hints of jealousy and really hot porn.

Tangled by bonspiel 
Written for whenboymeetsboy 
Rating: R
Word count: 6000
Authors summary: Jared’s got a great new job in a new city; too bad his new coworker doesn’t like him. But he’s found a friend online. Jensen used to like his job before the new guy showed up. Fortunately he’s met someone great online. What happens when these two realize they’ve been fighting in person and flirting online? A love story in documents.
Comment: Epistolary style fic that’s used to great effect in this story based on Shop Around the Corner and You’ve Got Mail

The Doors Of Time pt 1 and pt 2 by felisblanco 
Rating: PG13-NC17
Word count: (Part 1) 65,000
Authors summary: (Part 1) It’s not like he doesn’t try to fit in and make friends, he really does. It just seems like nothing he does is good enough for them. If he smiles they blink. If he speaks they stare. And whenever they see him coming they get this panicked look in their eyes like they want to run away and they don’t even know why. Jensen knows why. It’s the same thing that makes his dad worry and his mom cry. That makes Nana tell his parents he’s going to Hell, not even caring that he can hear her. It’s what makes him ‘weird’.
Comment: Astounding.

The Long Haul by pocketfullof 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2750
Authors summary: Jensen hires a mover.
Comment: This story is really warm and comfortable and just incredibly sweet.

Things Change ‘verse by chash 
Rating: NC17.
Word count: (Part 1) 7200.
Authors summary: (Part 1) It's July 2005, and Jensen Ackles is meeting the man of his dreams at the bus stop.
Comment: A kidfic that features un-annoying kids is already in the win column but outside of that, these are genuinely sweet and funny and win you over completely. “"It's okay," Jensen managed, even though he was feeling kind of dizzy and hazy. The guy offered him a hand, and Jensen took it, suddenly presented with the reality that he was, in addition to being really cute, was really strong, and broad, and hopefully single. "Happens," he continued.”

Underneath The Weight Of It All by _mournthewicked 
Word Count: 31,000
Authors summary: Jared stopped trying to fit all the broken pieces of himself back together a long time ago. But then he meets Jensen, and he thinks it might be time to try again.
Comment: A Jared with Dissociative Identity Disorder meets Jensen in a story that has just the right amount of angst and darkness to counterbalance the romance and keep it real. It explores the complications of dealing with the different personalities and how it affects not only the person with the illness, but everyone around them.

We Are Trains, Riding Hobo-Style by silentpoetry1 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 3150
Authors summary: Jared and Jensen ride the freight trains all over America, picking up pieces of each other along the way.
Comment: Poetically written, this melancholy tale comes across as original and atmospheric. “Jensen comes back during Utah with tear tracks on his cheeks and blood-tracks dripping from his mouth, his arm cradled against his chest. Jared’s head hurts and his heart hurts, but he doesn’t know what to say. Jared swallows and offers Jensen a piece of bread, but Jensen shakes his head and walks over, unsteady on his feet, to Old Emily’s old corner - to lick his wounds and feel sorry for himself. Jared feels so sorry too.”

When The Stars Go Blue by shiplessheathen 
Written for whenboymeetsboy 
Word count: 7700
Authors summary: It fits in a way that is completely unfair because this, Jared and every stupid thing their reflections make Jensen think - it's not for Jensen to have.
Comment: Heartache, pining and jealousy abound, until a much-needed happy conclusion is reached in this great j2 remake of Love Actually. It feels really real.

You can’t blame gravity for falling in love by
Written for j2_everafter 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 18, 670 words
Comment: Fun read based on the film Ice Princess. I really like the way both boys are written to be equally smart and attractive.


Eventing AU by pekover 
Rating: R-NC17
Authors summary: Jensen Ackles is a horse trainer in an eventing barn. When Jared Padalecki's little sister decides that she'd like an eventing horse, fate brings the Padaleckis (and their trainer, Jeff Morgan) into Jensen's life. Will he ever be able to get them out? Will he want to?
Comment: A story that you can really sink into and enjoy the luxury of watching things take time to unfold. You end up fully invested in all the characters, including even the dead ex-boyfriend because we see so much of him through Jensen, it’s just that well written. “Padalecki smiles warmly and holds out a hand to shake, and Jensen realizes how filthy he is, his hands covered in mud and horse hair from his grooming work. He holds up his hands in demonstration, smiling awkwardly. The tall guy is dressed casually, but he looks put together. Jensen doesn't want to get blamed for mussing him up.”


Changes That Were Once A Dream by embroiderama 
Rating: PG13
Word count: 1024
Authors summary: Jeff buys a new house, but he has more trouble buying into his own good press.
Comment: There’s real warmth to this story that makes it so easy to picture.


I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus by
Written spn_j2_xmas 
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 4445
Authors summary: It's Christmas morning, and the doorbell is ringing, and the house is a mess.
Comment: Left alone by Jeff just after they’ve started a family, down-on-his-luck Jensen meets Santa. This is pretty cute.

Schemes (Are Not Just For Melodramatic Bond Villains) by atimi 
Rating: NC17
Word count: 50,000
Authors summary: While broadening his gay horizons, architect!Jared meets waiter!Jensen at a strip club. Jensen is shy, Jared is smitten, and Jeff is a smarmy bastard.
Comment: Funny dialogue matched with intriguing plot twists and turns means this reads as much as a thriller as it does as a comedy. Jared’s inner-voice is dorky but very sweet and real and you’re right there with him when he wants to protect Jensen from villainous club owner Jeff. “His brain was currently occupied by just how crappy "Cut-n-Thrust" was as a name for a strip joint, but when he finished deciding whether it sounded more like a Zorro-themed orgy or the To Do List of a murderous necrophiliac, he fully intended to work up the courage to leave the warmth of his car and go inside. Really.”


Don't You Dare Say No, Not Until You've Tried It by
Rating: NC17
Word count: 4500
Comment: Very hot and featuring a needy Jared that just can’t be denied.


93 Dollars by switch842 
Rating: PG
Word count: 1634
Authors summary: Christian's leaving and Jensen doesn't know why.
Comment: Sad and angsty tale, that’s well written. “Jensen thinks back over the last three months, trying to find where things went wrong. But there’s nothing. Everything is great. Perfect even. Until the one day when Christian says "I’m leaving." Just like that. And Jensen knows what Christian means. He’s not just leaving North Carolina, he’s leaving Jensen.”
And in summary, coding is boring - so let me know if any of these are really really wrong :D

fic-recs, j2 au, j3, kane, j2

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