cuti skolah dah masuk 2nd week... aku online bnyk kali tapi tak tertulis-tulis post baru kat LJ kesayangan aku nie.... tehee~
sie ko kak ya dok sore dumoh~
kak emma, abe fahmi ngan anak2 sedareku ade kat umah... pagi tadi aku training p'kai baju kat budak2 nie.... hehehehehehe
mama ader kelas....... so aku tlong mama masok
abah mcm nak demam jer~
skolah dah nak bukak balik... tapi aku dok menggemukkan diri... mkn tido online tv tido dgr lagu nyanyi ..... homework x sentuh2 pun
aku nak sentuh buku la nie~ but sumthin's holding me back...... wut is it~ u think?
pastu aku kena start menulis balik sbb...... ade dateline untuk essay merdeka dah dkat~
wrote sumthin bout school holiday forgot to tell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i love watching this tv series, DEXTER... bout a guy who butcher people.... hehe... yeah... butcher HUMAN when they are still ALIVE..... my mom don't like me watching this series but i still watch it with my mom criticizing it every single time we watch TOGETHER.... relax she doesn't want my mind contaminated with butchering... haha.... here's the best part!
i watched an interview of jesse mccartney for the OK! magazine... and he said when he is on a tour he brought his favourite DEXTER DVD~ omg.... jesse watch DEXTER... just like me... I LOVE YOU JMAC!!!!!!!!!!!!