So, I liked New Kids On The Block when I was growing up, I was young, but I still liked their music, but uh ...
this totally made me cringe. That's ... really all I have to say about that.
I don't really have much time for soaps these days, but ... I've been hardcore into Days of our Lives as of late, and
these two are totally the reason
why. Seriously, I encourage everyone to check them out. The soaps have been sorely lacking in hotness as of late, and good romance, and for their age difference, which is pretty big, they bring a whole new level of hot to daytime, and I guess they've pretty much consumed my life.
You know how sometimes people on your friend's list post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when are they working there? Since when are they dating him? since when?" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.
Please copy mine below, erase my answers putting yours in their place then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration! One-word answers seldom help anyone out.
1. First name: Lexy
2. Age: 22
3. Location: White Plains, New York. It's just a little over the Brooklyn bridge.
4. Occupation: No, and it's not that I've never really tried to get one, it's just, there is SO much going on in my life right now with my kids, and school, and I'm not really hurting in the financial department, so I don't really see the need for one.
5. Partner?: I ... have a fiance. I guess he's alright. We get along, and we're talking so much better these days, but he loves to distance himself from home, and bury himself in his work, so that's a problem right now with us.
6. Kids: I have five of them. Dacia, Arabella, Christopher, Leila, and Aiden. And, each one is so entirely different from the other, and there's not a single child I favor. I'll ALWAYS have a special place for Dacia in my heart though, because she's my firstborn, and she changed my life in so many ways, and I will always love her so incredibly much, and I'll always miss her.
7. Brothers/Sisters: Well, I am ... I believe the 9th child of 16 siblings. And, now I'm like ... 20 years older than the youngest sibling, it's ... whack. All but three of us are adopted, and out of those 16, two of those siblings are my biological siblings, Liza-Veta, and Dimitri. I rarely talk to my brother, and my sister and I aren't getting along these days at all, so that relationship is a lost cause. The oldest sibling in my family, Nikius (who I just call Nicky) he blames me for everything that has gone wrong in my family, and we don't talk at all, I've never met someone who hates their sister as much as he hates me (I'm sure there's plenty of bro/sis relationships out there like that, though), and he does for some reason, but his attitude towards me, is just beyond ignorant. I have a lot of sisters that I don't really talk to, and the one that I'm closest to is probably Talia, because when our brother Echo died (they're actually biological siblings, soo ...) she was the only one I felt that actually gave a damn. My whole family, in terms of brothers/sisters is so messed up, and confusing, and growing up in such a crowded house was a complete nightmare. I always said I wasn't going to have a lot of kids because I didn't want my children to grow up like that, but out of all my siblings, I'm the one that has the most childlren.
8. Pets: I have four dogs, and one cat. And two rabbits. My pride and joy, is my Siberian Husky, Maeja, and I've had her since she was a puppy, she's 12 years old, and the thing with her is, she is Dacia's mirror. Right around the time that Dacia was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma, two weeks later, Maeja was diagnosed with osteochondrosis, which is basically a bone cancer, but for dogs, and much like Dacia's situation, she was given a year or so to live, and as Dacia got worse, so did she, and up until Dacia died, she never left side. Well, after Dacia's death, Maeja started getting so much better, and it's nearly a year and a half later, and she's still going strong, so I couldn't be anymore happier about that. My other dog, is a dachsund, she's two, she was Dacia's dog, and her name is Chara. She gets on my absolute nerves, she barks way too much, and she's a trouble maker -- hence why I know she's definitely Dacia's dog. She's fun to have around, though. She's highly entertaining. My other two dogs are yorkies, same litter, sisters, and their names are Zoe and Rhea. They're so adorable, and my fiance hates them, which makes it even better. And my two holland lops, who ... I actually let rome the house from time to time, are named Luka and Charlie. They're so soft, and cuddly, and I've never know rabbits to be cuddly! My cat, I don't even really bother with him, since he a huge, huge snob, that I never even see. I know he's around this house somewhere, but the last time I saw Billy Miller (yes that is his whole name), he was hiding under my son's bed two weeks ago, so ... I guess maybe he's still hibernating there.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
1. Wedding planning- I never thought I'd get to it, but I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's a nice distraction from the sometimes huge elephant in the room, and I'm enjoying trying on wedding dresses. I've tried on about 15, and I've disliked pretty much every single one of them, but I'll find the right one. It's just a mater of me not being picky. Which I am.
2. Dance Solo- So, this is my official LAST dance solo I have until next year, and I'm working my BUTT OFF just to get through it, and I'm still so picky when it comes to choosing the songs, and whatnot, but I'm having fun with choreographing everything, and, my two year old has even joined in the fun with me, it's been entertaining to watch him shake that little booty of his. But, I'm putting a lot of effort into this, and I was chosen once again to do the dance solo, so it makes me feel proud, and honored, and excited, so I can't wait.
3. Christopher's cochlear ear implants! - This one BEYOND excites me. I've been doing sign language with Christopher ever since he was five months old, and he's just such a pro at it now, and I couldn't be more proud of him, and we were told that we would have to wait until he was three to have the surgery, but we got the all clear about a week ago from his doctor, and his surgery is next week, and I'm so excited. He's never heard my voice before, and yeah, it'll be automated, and whatnot, but I just cannot wait for him to actually HEAR something. So, I'm hoping and praying that the implants take, and that this won't throw him off track.
10. Parents?: Okay, so ... here is the deal with that. I was adopted, most people on my friends list know that. I do know my biological mother, funny thing is, she's like, 20 years older than me, tries to act my age, and JUST had another baby. I say good luck with that, because if she couldn't raise her first three children, than I don't know what makes her think that she'll be able to raise this child. It's really hard to give her any praise because of what she did to me and my brother and sister, but she's trying right now, and making a name, other than her hooker one, for herself. As for my adoptive parents, they ARE my parents. My mother drives me absolutely crazy, but I love her, and she's given me a good life, and she gave me a home when I was just 6 months old, and I am so grateful for that. Her and my adoptive father were so picture perfect, and it hit her hard when he died when I was 7. She's changed a lot since then, so has her attitude towards me, but she's still my mother, and I'm still her daughter, so that'll never change. I miss my father soo much, because he just cared, and had a big heart, and him being gone has changed our family so much. My mother remarried when I was 10, and I love my stepfather, I do, I welcomed him into the family, he embraced every single one of my siblings as his own, and he's tried so hard to be a great father. But, those are my parents. All ... four of them.
11. Who are some of your closest friends?: I actually have A LOT more online friends, than I do actual REAL LIFE friends. My one real life best friend is probably my fiance's ex girlfriend, Chloe, I met her when they were dating at 14, we weren't really friends, and he chose me over her, so she ended up hating me, and then after Dacia was born, and Tony left, she was the only one that really stepped up, and helped me, and became close to me, so I will be forever grateful for her friendship. She's Dacia's god mother, actually, I think she's the god mother to all my children, and she's probably really the only friend I have. I have a few from dance class, and I occasionally get together with them, but she is probably the only one who is nearest, and dearest to me.