Dec 07, 2005 21:42
New Userpic again... I do love those things I wanted the one I found that said "Fly Away" but it yelled at me when i tried to do that so I couldn't use that one. Strength I think explains life now pretty well though. Like I was lookin at recently takin pictures and it's weird cuz its a group of adults in them rather than a group of kids. It was kinda like whoa reality check growing up. I know im not an adult or what not but im not a kid either and it kinda of leaves you at a odd point in life where some people treat you as 3 year olds and others give you the responisblilites of a 45 year old. Anyways back to the strength thing-- much is needed yet i think i have defintly gained some. hmm we will see i at least feel like im not wasting my senior year we rnt just sitting around we're actually thinking of things to do which makes me happy. Anyways I randomly feel like i've found direction in the midst of a bunch of uncertainty or ive at least found faith to let life take me where i need to go.
So yea that was a bunch of rambaling and if it made any sense id be very happy.. Can't wait for the weekend!