Sep 13, 2009 16:31
Yesterday I got two beautiful, female (as far as we can tell), bearded dragons.
I got them from a Reptile Rescue Centre in Hull, they did the vivarium (4" x 2" x 2") second hand, as well as rocks and branches. They cleaned it all out, set up the lighting system, heating and thermometer, including a ceramic bulb for night time heating. They also sorted me out with a food bowl, crickets, locusts and substrate. They did all this, including the two beardies, for £215. Fantastic value for that kind of set up if you ask me.
They also answered any questions that I had, such as the what kind of greens you can't feed them, like iceberg lettuce. And about gut loading the insects (which now live happily in they're own little vivarium :).
One of my beardies is a yellow colour morph, and one is more dark brown, sandy and with orange streaks.
They've settled in very well, eating a lot, and are very tame, happily sitting on my shoulder and falling asleep.
The yellow one is larger, and so seems more dominant. I've started feeding them seperately so that the little one has a chance of catching her prey, which at the moment is locusts and silent crickets (which aren't silent).
Still need names for them though, thinking of calling the larger one Afaari.
Will get some photos later on.
bearded dragons