I've Lost It....

May 30, 2011 13:46

Yup. TItle says it all. When I get stressed I tend to be super impulsive, especially with money and everything. Which is what seems to have happened. Again. Heh... Yeah... problems left right and centre. Wow, that was such a Canadian way to spell things. Whee. So like, (ew, I sound like a valley-girl when I'm tired and stressed) I'm going to BC for 10 days in August with Holly to go for vacation and a con, and then I'm now going to the one day of a con in Toronto in October with Ally and Keshia? How the hell did I end up buying so much stuff like this? I swear, between concerts and conventions (+ plane ticket etc) I've spent like 2000-2500 already this year. No wonder I can never save any money. I'm gonna blame this particular issue on the fact that I'm freaking the hell out about my mum's surgery next week. It's one week away. Someone shoot me in the fucking head right now. Seriously. Please.

Needless to say I'm a wreck. Oh, and I have a paper due by tomorrow that I'm barely halfway done. Its on prostitute health issues. You think I'd be able to pump out more than 5 pages on that to make the 10 page minimum. Maybe that was the wrong wording for that.... gah.

OKAY. Brain melting aside.... I wonder if they'll come to Niagara.... lots of people wander down here when they're in Toronto.... Now I seem like a cryptic psychopath. But seriously, the friggin' Jonas Brothers ended up in Niagara when they were in Toronto. And a whole slew of other actors and such seem to keep parading through the area. Although... the whole "city of love" concept or whatever may make it a little more sketchy.... unless...

Shit, I really need to write that paper. Paper on hookers, now, fanfiction later. Yes. Much later. When my classes are finally done next week. Screw you university for eating my life. Screw. You.

real-life, rant, toronto, university

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