Jan 03, 2008 15:12
Since everyone's goal setting and making new year resolutions, I've decided to make something different-Mich's New Year (resolution) wish list-with a twist!
I've never been the New year resolution writing and "dreaming" person mainly because of the fact that I don't set goals... I achieve them (angas). I also don't see the point of writing them when you forget about them by mid year; you're just wasting paper-trees, ink-oil and energy-brains! HAHAHA
So... be like me. Make a wish list instead. Think of your goals and achieve them. Don't write them down (AM I MAKING ANY SENSE?)
1. Pass Dr. Visaya's MA20 Class. Mainly, I will study Math at least 3 or more times a week. I WILL CHANGE for that in order to PASS. damn. (before I only studied days before the test and it worked)
2. I wish for an assistant to clear my clutter and fix my things. I'm too lazy to arrange them afterwards. But when it comes to school stuff, my things are neat-o. I also wish that the assistant organize my schedule for events which I will be looking forward to and all.
3. Read more BOOKs. And actually finish them and not leave them hanging halfway. (Finally done with like water for chocolate. A nice book which you should probably read)
4. More graphic novels to read. BLISS BLISS, JOY JOY.
5. A clone who has photographic memory and can pretend to be me when I don't feel like going to school or waking up early.
6. I NEED someone to remind me that it is 10 minutes to 130 on MWFs so I wont get late on English class. I need to make a good impression, of course, I want the grades to pull up MA20 which is 6 Units!
7. Not have to see Batman's face ever again.
8. Miguel Tuason's soccer jersey! HAHA. It's really neat if you compared it to basketball! It's actually a tee!
-please take note that some names have been changed to hide the person's identity.