Stargate Fanfic: In the Heat of the Moment

Jun 19, 2009 01:12

Title: ‘In the Heat of the Moment’

Author: LexKitten

Summary: SG1 is out-manned, under fire, and about to die. So it’s pretty much business as usual. Until Jack says something very stupid.

Set/Spoilers: Late Season 3/Early Season 4. No spoilers.

Rating: PG

A/N: For the GW Sam and Jack ficathon. Prompt: “The first time they say ‘I love you’”.

Yes, I wrote two contradictory fics for this prompt. I am a prompt whore *blush*. This one’s more of a ficlet though. So it hardly counts. =P


“Get down!” Jack roared, grabbing Major Carter by the sleeve and dragging her down with him as he dove for the ground. Teal’c and Daniel thudded down moments after them. Two huge fireballs sailed over their heads, literally lighting up the sky.

“Close call,” Daniel coughed, shaking embers off his hat.

“The battle is not over yet,” Teal’c reminded him.

Jack, still puffing from the run from the tree-line, barked out a new set of commands. “Carter - get the DHD going. We’ve got your six.”

“Sir, the power crystals are all fried,” Sam cried, “They’re beyond repair. There’s nothing-”

A new roaring filled the air, as the Al’Kesh swung around for a second attack. Jack caught Sam’s eyes and stared her down. That DHD was their only way out of this, and they all knew it. Carter was their only hope.

“Right,” she nodded, holding his gaze. “I’ll do what I can.”

Daniel and Teal’c took up positions in-front of her, weapons ready, aimed at the Jaffa that were seconds away from the crest of the hill. Jack dove gate-side, putting himself between Sam and the Al’Kesh; though, one good fire-ball, and they’d all be barbequed together.

Carter wrenched open the control panel and yanked out a handful of fried crystals, cursing under her breath. They were hot - hot enough to burn her palms. She just grimaced, and went back for the rest.

“The scouts have reached the hill,” Teal’c boomed. He took down two Jaffa with a well-aimed staff blast. Daniel let out a volley of gunfire, taking out three more.

Sam licked the blistering fingers of one hand, as she fiddled with the innards of the DHD with the other. Jack watched her face anxiously. Creased brow, wrinkled nose, bright red cheeks; all the signs of a Carter panic. And if she was worried, they were all in trouble.


The Al’Kesh opened fire again. Jack threw his body in front of his 2IC. The jaffa was a lousy shot - the fireball sailed past and slammed into the hillside. Jack felt the flames lick his chest and singe his hair. He squinted over his shoulder through the smoke. “You ok?” he coughed.

Sam kept her eyes on the DHD. “Give me your zat,” she instructed. “Daniel, get ready to dial.”

“Tell me you’ve got a way out of this?” Jack asked, straining to hear himself over the blood thumping in his ears.

Sam looked back at him, two zats and a half fried crystal in her pink palms. “It’s pretty risky - but I think so.”

Jack felt every muscle in his body shudder in relief. His heart started beating again - way too fast, but at least is was there. Adrenaline, mixed with hot heavy blood, flooded his senses. Once again, crazy, genius Carter was going to pull a miracle out of her pretty little head. “Carter,” he coughed. “I love you.”

Sam’s head snapped around. She stared wide-eyed at him; arms half buried inside the DHD, mouth hanging open in shock. Realisation hit him like a fire-ball to the chest. His jaw dropped.  Words - crazy, stupid, heat of the moment words - had spewed out of his mouth, before he realised what he was saying. And now he couldn’t take them back.

“Watch out!” Daniel howled, diving for the ground.
Jack and Sam threw themselves forward as a volley of staff-blasts roared around them. Teal’c returned fire.

“The DHD,” Carter gasped.

“Right,” Jack agreed.

The two of them hopped to their knees and resumed their positions.

And that was it. The wordless agreement that whatever had been said in the heat of the moment would never ever be spoken of again. People said stupid things under pressure. Happened all the time.

Jacks glanced side-ways, and caught Carter’s eye. She stared back at him, just as the DHD lit up again, throwing blue light over her red cheeks.

No, they wouldn’t mention it again. But it couldn’t be taken back either.


pointless fluff, stargate, action/adventure, sam/jack, fanfic

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