Lexkmadrox's fantasy prophecy
From the beginning of the homeworld the Constructs have said;
"The sinister echo succumbs and the blessed castle triumphs.
Once the mindwashed persecutor quivers with horror and as the farmers unfasten their shackles.
Lexkmadrox will travel with the seer. They will find the ancient glyph.
The Priestess will play again."
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GameWyrd My Forsaken Name
During the Age of Legends, Demandred was second only to Lews Therin and is almost as strong in the One Power as him. He was once one of the great generals for the forces of Light. As a tactician he was a gambler, but a strategic and successful one. His hatred for Lews boiled over when Therin became Commander of the Light ahead of him. In the third year of the War of Power he pledged to the Dark One and became one of the Shadow's most successful generals.
The Levenshtein distance between lexkmadrox and Demandred is 6.
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