Aug 15, 2006 22:52
I haven't posted in a while, so just to make it clear, I am still alive. Just haven't had much to say.
Tom and I got a dog. It's really his dog but I figure we time-share it because I help him take care of it and have bought it almost as much as Tom has. Until today at least.
Long story short, a beagle showed up in Tom's backyard last week, no tags or collar. Tom spent the night at my house and when he went home the next day, the dog was still there. Turns out his owner lost his home in a fire about 3 months ago and is now living in a Winabago and has several other pets to take care of. Tom's parents bought the dog from him, since we had all grown attached to it. We treated him for fleas about two days after he showed up, medicated shampoo and flea & tick medication. But I guess it didn't take.
They brought the dog to the vet today to get him licsened and checked. The poor thing has a laundry list of medical problem. Treating him for fleas didn't work, so he's still infested, even though Tom and I never noticed fleas on him after the night he got the bath. He also has Tape worm, Heartworm and Lyme disease. The first two are easily treated, Lyme disease is a more serious but he doesn't seem affected by it now. He also has a broken canine that needs to be pulled.
So the dog Tom got for fifty bucks just racked up several hundred dollars in medical bills. He's worth it though. Everyone said beagles are loud dogs (they don't bark, they howl) but Skip hardly makes a sound. And Tom is so happy. He never got over having to give up his greyhound and he's wanted another dog for years.
In other news, school starts again in a few weeks. I'm kinda excited. I've been dying to cut back my hours at work. I kind of regret working six days a week during my "vacation" but the money was too good to pass up. The more I work now the less I have to worry about money later, right?
I'm thinking about dropping my design class in favor off taking another online class. I also have to talk to Frank Ward about being an Idependent photo student and what I could earn for credits doing that. I really just want access to the darkroom this semester but If I can get a credit or two out of it, why not?
In Ritz news, we're halfway through the annual ESP challenge, also known as Hell month. Our region is in second place at 15%! The goal is 20% and no one is there, Scott's region is close at 19%. Our store is doing awesome, we were at something like 38% when I was in on Monday. I happen to be at 44% myself (and Chad told me to stay in the lab all month). Unfortunately this all means squat because I earn nothing more than what I would earn during a normal month of selling ESP's and neither does my manager. The only people who benefit are Chad and maybe Carolyn,if our district pulls through.
Saw Steve D today. He still wants to go to Rocky. We'll have to get a group together and go sometime soon.