This is my second attempt at a collection post. Since my post to pkmcollectors turned out all wonky, I'm gonna try and post it to my journal and then link from there. Here we goooooo!
Let me introduce you to my Pikachu. I got him at a carnival when I was young. I don't even know if he's official, and his mouth has come off, but I love him anyway<3
Next is my other plushies. Bulbasaur and Togepi I've had for a long time, and Togepi still talks (she says TOGEHTOGEH! and TOGEHPRIIII! so cuteeee)
Here are all the toys that are currently on my desk. I used to have a second Rattata, but he got lost somewhere in my move back from college, I really hope he's around here somewhere :(
Here's a few Pikas, theres more farther down loll :D Surfingchu<33
Now onto more toys, all from my childhood, lots of paint scratches and worn from being played with all the time and stored together in a pillowcase for a long time (I was a weird kid lol.)
Burgerking toys lol. I wish the light up ones still worked :/
And the plushes from BK, co-staring some Togepis and a likitung that goes inside-out into a ball!
MORE PIKAS! I only wish my Raichus had their tails still though... :(
Here are some very old bouncy balls that are obviously very loved. I considered removing the pokemon once but I think they're much smaller lol..
SO thats it, aside from an Ampraros plush I am expecting sometime next week. Thanks for looking :3