From the organisers (of which I am not one...)
We are delighted - but slightly staggered - to announce that KISMET 2018 is ON!! We’ve signed the contract and paid the deposit, so we’re committed (or perhaps should be…)
When? : 31 August - 2 September 2018
Where? : Lane End Conference Centre (the same rooms we had last time!) Church Road, Lane End, Bucks HP14 3HH (
How much?: Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon (fully inclusive of en-suite accommodation and all meals & refreshments) £245
For those who want to continue the fun - Friday afternoon to Monday morning (to include Sunday dinner, & Monday breakfast) £345
Supporting membership £30
It’s still early days, but further information & updates will be provided as soon as possible. We’ll be looking for lots of help, especially on the more techie stuff, and will post requests as we think of things we need (You have been warned!)
Any questions? Ask here, message Chrissy or email us at
Want to register? (please!) Contact Chrissy for payment options (we have lots!) on
Love from Anne & Chrissy (who are currently being measured for their straitjackets ~ Chrissy: Can mine be Vulcan green? Anne: Only if I can have Science Blue)
ETAAs a further attraction, I shall be going. I have already decided, though I haven't yet talked to
aunty_marion about sitting Smokey. Plus, it's only a week after my gaming event in Wales, which is irritating.
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