
May 11, 2017 16:35

Still applying for jobs. Still not getting any. I get the odd interview, but so far none have been successful. I’ve got one interview outstanding since March - they interviewed me in March and I still don’t have the outcome. But then one of my FB friends applied for a Civil Service job last June and started a week ago, so I’m not quite losing hope ( Read more... )

gaming, jobs, me, cats

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bugeyedmonster May 12 2017, 03:09:21 UTC
Best wishes on the job hunt.

I keep thinking a civil service job would probably be good, pension and benefits-wise. But I don't think I know enough about said civil service jobs to be sure.


lexin May 12 2017, 10:15:19 UTC
A civil service job isn't the cushy number it used to be - the pension arrangements have changed, and not for the better and it's much easier for them to sack you than it used to be. On the other hand, it can be better than the 'real world', so to speak.


bugeyedmonster May 14 2017, 15:12:43 UTC
I'll admit that all I know about civil service jobs comes from watching Brit-coms, so I know that's not exact. LOL. (Like "Yes, Minister ( ... )


lexin May 15 2017, 09:02:14 UTC
I was never sure whether I enjoyed "Yes, Minister" or not - on the one hand it was really funny, and on the other, it was like being at work, only funnier.

We got paid sick leave, up to six months if you were lucky and not sacked in that time. But you couldn't save it forward and take it when you weren't sick, it was only for when you were sick.

When I joined the civil service in 1988 the pension arrangements were described as 'the best pension money can't buy' but they were slowly changed and changed until now they're not nearly as good. If I rejoined, I'd be on the new pension arrangements. Sigh. But I'd still get my current pension, assuming I wasn't paid as much as in my old job.


bugeyedmonster May 14 2017, 15:14:20 UTC
PS, good luck, and crossing fingers for you. Hope the job situation works itself out soon!


lexin May 15 2017, 09:02:25 UTC
Thank you, I'm hoping so, too.


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