
Nov 08, 2013 18:34

Smokey has returned, not hungry, slightly dazed and confused, with a bare bit on one leg where they put the anaesthetic in, but with sparkling teeth.

I'm told the tartar was worse than they'd expected - really very bad in places, and she had swollen gums because of it. So done just in time. But the teeth underneath the covering of crap are in good condition and none needed to be extracted. They didn't do x-rays as the teeth didn't give any indication of caries.

I've been told to feed her on special "dental" cat food one day in three or so and to slowly stop feeding her wet food. She won't like that, though I wonder if her preference for wet food was because of her teeth.

Smokey behaved well throughout, didn't bite anyone and was quite laid back about it all.

I am, of course, being given the cold shoulder treatment by the kitty - though from fairly close by. So she's annoyed with me, but wants to be near me, just in case.

I'm so pleased to have her back safe, I can't tell you!

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