Exhausted today

Jan 09, 2013 11:04

I got three hours sleep last night. This is not enough, and I'm really feeling it.

Normally, I sleep very well. Insomnia is not an issue for me, partly at least to the medications I'm on, some of which have a soporific effect.

Last night, they did not cast their usual magic.

The first thing that went wrong was that yesterday was a very busy day at work and by the end of it my head was spinning. I had eight things to achieve, all of which had short deadlines, plus two interviews with lambkins with problems - this is about twice the amount of work I would have on a normal day.

The second thing that caused me trouble was my upstairs neighbours. Anyone who follows my Twitter stream with any assiduity may have noticed that I occasionally spit venom late at night in the direction of my upstairs neighbours as they can be irritating.

Last night was the nadir. They kicked off by having a noisy argument at around 11pm, moved on (as they often do) to noisy sex, and then they prayed and chanted, loudly, until about 1am. I went to sleep around this time. I woke up, or was woken, at about 4am to find that they'd kicked off again with the noisy argument - it sounded like the same argument as earlier, but what do I know. Then they prayed and chanted until about six, or half past, at which point my alarm went off.

I have no idea what religion these people are - I have gathered from the content of the chanting that it's some species of Pentecostal Christian. If so, they are the most thoughtless Christians I've ever encountered, because this is not the first time they've prayed and chanted long into the night. Sometimes they invite friends over so that they can pray and chant even louder long into the night, and then have long, loud, conversations on the stairs.

So, today, I am not my usual bobbish self. I cannot wait for these people to move.

This entry was originally posted at http://lexin.dreamwidth.org/554139.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.

neighbours, me

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