A bit hyper-active

Mar 11, 2012 08:42

OK, so I’ve reinstalled Windows (yes, Linux users, I know) and everything is running very much faster and happier than it did, not least because the system is now free of 2+ years of dead software and crappy registry entries. Boy, did I have some tut on that system.

Having said that, I still have a couple of programs still to reinstall, but they’re things I don’t use that often and can install as and when needed.

The other outcome of this whole problem is that my desk is fantastically clear. There are huge bits of time when you're installing software when you're waiting for something to happen but can't leave your desk, and I filled in the time by clearing the papers and assorted detritus from my desk. My cleaner is going to be so proud of me! I also found a few bits of things that I'd forgotten I had, including a rather handsome brooch and a pair of lapis earrings.

While I was doing this (I may be slightly hypomanic) I sorted out my spare room and have three large bags of stuff needing to be taken away. I will book AnyJunk on Monday, leaving enough time to sort through my wardrobe and get rid of some clothes I don't wear any more.

I am preparing the room and the flat for the stuff which is to come from the Aged P's next week, and I now have a clear shelf on my shelves in my hall for china and glass, and I'm planning a reorganisation of my china cabinet to accept the Coalport.

I was in pain by the end of yesterday, but I slept very well once I'd taken painkillers.

Just to add, I hate iTunes, so so very much. To me, it's a nightmare program which works in a totally counter-intuitive way. It's one of the things which puts me off Apple's products - if that's an example of how their stuff works, I can't risk buying anything of theirs because I'll never get my head around it.

This entry was originally posted at http://lexin.dreamwidth.org/526297.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.

home, computer, mother, me

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