Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it

Dec 25, 2011 13:57

And Merry Whatever, for those who don't.

I'm doing better than I expected with being alone. I miss the Aged P., but I'm glad not to have had to travel and I've spent the morning in selfish reading of a book, which I wouldn't have been able to do at her house.

I ordered a chicken to eat, and that's in the oven. Tesco didn't have the size I ordered so sent what they had. When it arrived I just noted that it was bigger than I ordered and put it in the fridge. On looking at it when I came to put it in the oven, I realised that the packaging says that it feeds eight. So there's going to be a lot of chicken curry in my future.

Trimmings are things I like rather than the traditional things. Go me!

Presents are a very good haul, gloria1 gave me some teabags from Betty's of Harrogate, which are particularly welcome. I love me my tea.

My brother has sent me some Dr Who vids, which I'm going to watch this afternoon while I wait for the Dr Who Christmas special.

There is also champagne in my future, and I have enough chocolates to sink a battleship.

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mother, christmas, me, holidays, food

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