I spend too long on the kink meme

Nov 08, 2011 23:02

Isn't it weird how suspension of disbelief works?

I'll read just about any mpreg story Sherlock fandom can throw at me, and lap it all up. No problem with that at all. My brain just accepts it as if it's quite normal. Well, not quite - I prefer a quasi-scientific or medical explanation, but give me that and I'm yours for the duration.

I turn my rosy nose up, however, at a story where the premise is that characters A and B, in this case Mycroft and Lestrade but let's not get hung up on specifics, get drunk and end up married.

There probably are countries where a degree of sobriety is not required of parties in a marriage ceremony, where notification doesn't have to be made X weeks in advance or a special licence bought and where the marriage does not have to be conducted during normal hours of business in a building. But that is not where I live. The whole idea just makes me go 'tilt'.

When it comes down to it, I think this is a failing of my imagination and not the writer(s) ability, but it is odd.

This entry was originally posted at http://lexin.dreamwidth.org/515234.html. You can comment here or there, it's up to you.


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